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Vray camera effects and render elements request

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  • Vray camera effects and render elements request

    I was wondering if it would be possible to have a pass isolating the Bokeh effect when using depth of field.
    Also, it would be cool to have a DOF filter pass with increasing blur level whiter and non-blurred/sharper blacker or vice-versa. Kind of like the reflection filter pass.

    Would it also be possible to add options to the bokeh effects in the vray camera options? Maybe a spinner for bokeh quality not locked to the DOF and motion blur subdivs and separate subdiv spinners for DOF and motion blur.

    I hope that's not asking too much.
    Thank you
    my bloggy thing -

  • #2
    1. No - the two are interlinked, the bokeh happens when bright objects go out of focus and their brighter light contributes more to the image - hence you get the little "bloomy" circle shapes.

    2. Dof filter pass in the way you're talking about it here is a little bit like a depth pass - since the dof effect is basically tied in with distance from the camera - can't see it being any use at all though.

    3. Bokeh is dof and vice versa - it just happens to occur when you use dof so again there's no chance of having separate samples.

    In terms of the real world, bokeh is a side effect of an out of focus lens and how light contributes to an exposure. In vray it tries to do the same thing - the bokeh effect is not added on after as an effect, it just happens naturally. It's all to do with how bright the objects in your scene are and how they get blurred together when they go out of focus. Either way, as vray renders there's no way to separate the blurred image from the no blurred - in otherwards turning on dof in the vray camera doesn't mean vray calculates a sharp image and then adds a depth blur effect on afterwards - it just renders a depth blurred image full stop.


    • #3
      1. I understand how DOF and Bokeh work. DOF of field is controlled by the F-stop or how open the aperture on a given lens is and where a lens is focused. The bokeh shape is defined by number of blades on the aperture of a given lens.

      2. The DOF pass idea is not like a depth or z-pass. Its tied to the f-stop and where the camera is focused and I could definately use this pass. Besides, the z-depth pass is useless if you use vray DOF.

      3. 'Bokeh is dof and vice versa' - not strictly true. In Real world, yes they are interlinked but in vray they obviously aren't as you can you can turn on and off bokeh and define the blade number and its rotation as you please. Only the sample rate is connected.
      To get a decent bokeh effect, i.e. city lights in the backround. I need to put the samples really high increasing render time too much, so i'll often render a bokeh pass separate to the main render to get good definition on the bokeh shape.
      my bloggy thing -


      • #4
        my bloggy thing -

