Hello there,
I don't know if it has been asked before but here i go
I was playing with moving cam and objects scene and LCahe flicker it's driving me really mad even with "use camera path" option...
I've tried secondary bounces with photon mapping and yes, it works like a charm since photon emission is view independent and because of this i'm wondering now:
-Is there any chance to implement a similar feature like "Retrace Threshold" like photon mapping solution for the Light Cache? I realized that flicker issues are a lot more noticiable at the geometry edges so a feature like this will help a lot avoiding flicker... Does it makes sense?
Thanks in advance and sorry my bad english.
I don't know if it has been asked before but here i go

I was playing with moving cam and objects scene and LCahe flicker it's driving me really mad even with "use camera path" option...
I've tried secondary bounces with photon mapping and yes, it works like a charm since photon emission is view independent and because of this i'm wondering now:
-Is there any chance to implement a similar feature like "Retrace Threshold" like photon mapping solution for the Light Cache? I realized that flicker issues are a lot more noticiable at the geometry edges so a feature like this will help a lot avoiding flicker... Does it makes sense?
Thanks in advance and sorry my bad english.