Didn't find a post talking about it, but I guess the search function doesn't work well 
I was wondering, if anyone has ever worked in linear space, if that doesn't annoy you that as antialiasing is performed in linear, when you apply a sRGB LUT to your image, it often reveals dirty artefacts on area shadows, and less noticeably on anti-aliased edges (gaps on thin edges, etc...)
So, and that's because this post is in the 'wishlist', I was wondering if it wouldn't be great to add a function to perform adaptive anti-aliasing and other kind of samplings on gamma corrected values, to be able to still work in linear but avoiding all these artefacts...
As I'm not a professionnal about linear workflows, if you have any suggestions or explainations, I'm listening!

I was wondering, if anyone has ever worked in linear space, if that doesn't annoy you that as antialiasing is performed in linear, when you apply a sRGB LUT to your image, it often reveals dirty artefacts on area shadows, and less noticeably on anti-aliased edges (gaps on thin edges, etc...)
So, and that's because this post is in the 'wishlist', I was wondering if it wouldn't be great to add a function to perform adaptive anti-aliasing and other kind of samplings on gamma corrected values, to be able to still work in linear but avoiding all these artefacts...
As I'm not a professionnal about linear workflows, if you have any suggestions or explainations, I'm listening!