Hi Vlado,
in our works we have a lots of displacement. I set a good (usually 2d) displacement for each mesh. Some 1024, some 512 (for little object) some 4000 for ground etc...
But for testing we can only enable/disable all displacement. For example, if i want to see a low preview with low displacement I must change each modifier and remenber the good production value. It's very boring work.
My idea it's something like in this image. Override Displacement with two most important parameter for 2d and 3d displacement. In this way I can very quickly change the displacement value for my test, without loosing the production value, stored in the VRayDisplmodifier.
in our works we have a lots of displacement. I set a good (usually 2d) displacement for each mesh. Some 1024, some 512 (for little object) some 4000 for ground etc...
But for testing we can only enable/disable all displacement. For example, if i want to see a low preview with low displacement I must change each modifier and remenber the good production value. It's very boring work.
My idea it's something like in this image. Override Displacement with two most important parameter for 2d and 3d displacement. In this way I can very quickly change the displacement value for my test, without loosing the production value, stored in the VRayDisplmodifier.
