Is there the possibility of getting more glow lighting possibilites in the future?
Doing post glow always has drawbacks, is not in reflections, doesnt look so good, have to render several matte layers etc.
I can get an object to glow with Vray if i set it to vray light material, turn up receive/genrate GI alot, and then have to crank up the divisions alot in order to get smooth glow on surfaces....
What about integrating new type of render effects that are rendered after the scene is done, but still regarding 3d information, like Cebas Final DOF and MBlur for example...
Would be great to have a way of having objects glow light around them, eithier by really lighting the objects around it, or by just having a glow around the object (fast and slow method)
I just wish there were more possibilites of getting a good glowing effect inside vray without the need for heavy GI calculation... be it in the form of a new shader, vray render settings or a new type of semi-post render effect...
any input is appreciated
Doing post glow always has drawbacks, is not in reflections, doesnt look so good, have to render several matte layers etc.
I can get an object to glow with Vray if i set it to vray light material, turn up receive/genrate GI alot, and then have to crank up the divisions alot in order to get smooth glow on surfaces....
What about integrating new type of render effects that are rendered after the scene is done, but still regarding 3d information, like Cebas Final DOF and MBlur for example...
Would be great to have a way of having objects glow light around them, eithier by really lighting the objects around it, or by just having a glow around the object (fast and slow method)
I just wish there were more possibilites of getting a good glowing effect inside vray without the need for heavy GI calculation... be it in the form of a new shader, vray render settings or a new type of semi-post render effect...
any input is appreciated