I know this has been asked for a lot before, but I just wanted to know if we are getting orthographic viewport support, right now it doesnt render correctly in standard camera (orthographic cheked) or just top/bottom views... there are always some parts of image missing, although it ALMOST renders correctly
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Orthographic Support
I was just going to post this today. I have all my scenes setup for phys cam. And going back to standard cams can be a pain in times. Orthographic support to render elevations etc would be Great!@
Originally posted by phizikl View PostI know this has been asked for a lot before, but I just wanted to know if we are getting orthographic viewport support, right now it doesnt render correctly in standard camera (orthographic cheked) or just top/bottom views... there are always some parts of image missing, although it ALMOST renders correctly
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
Yes sure, scene and image attached.
I have noticed it before, if you zoom in with the ortho cam, the blank spots are not there, but if you are too far away, you get missing portions.
Download Scene (attachment didnt work with the .zip for some reason)
Looks like the scene needs some plugins that I don't have and it renders blank. But if you are referring to the broken grid lines, this is an antialiasing issue. You can solve it either by increasing the min. rate for the adaptive subdivision sampler to at least 0, or using the Adaptive DMC image sampler.
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
I know it's an old thread, but I'd just like to express my interest in an Orthographic toggle for the Vray camera as well. We currently cheat this effect by setting their focal lengths to very high values. For some reason, we get abnormal viewport displays when doing this.
I hear that in V-Ray 2.0, the perspective views will inherit the properties of the physical camera, so that no matter how you view your scene, it will render with the proper exposure. Will this also apply to the standard orthographic viewports as well?
Thanks - Dave
Actually if you open the MaxScript listener and typeCode:renderers.current.camera_type=7
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
How have you managed it to get these commands into a toggle-command inside 3ds max?
best regards,
Well to be honest, i just broke it while trying to get it to print the state it was in through the listener when toggling. (Overwrote the original script)
Here is what i got now:
Code:macroScript Vray_Ortho_Cam category:"Cme" buttonText:"Toggles between Persp and ortho for vray cameras" tooltip:"OrthoToggle" (ortho="Camera set to orthographic") (persp="Camera set to perpective") /* ( if renderers.current.camera_type==0 then print "Camera set to perspective" else print "Camera set to Orthograpic" ) */ ( if renderers.current.camera_type==0 then renderers.current.camera_type=7 else renderers.current.camera_type=0 persp )
Signing out,
You're probably talking of something like I did now for my work to get things a bit easier:
Code:macroScript VRayOrthRenderMode category:"tobyatwork_scripts" buttonText:"VrayOrthoRender" toolTip:"Force V-Ray to render an orthogonal view" ( function setorthcam =( renderers.current.camera_type=7 print "Camera set to Orthographic" ) function setperspcam =( renderers.current.camera_type=0 print "Camera set to Perspective" ) on execute do ( if renderers.current.camera_type==0 then setorthcam() else setperspcam() ) )
best regards,
tobyLast edited by toby™; 25-08-2010, 08:41 AM.
Yes. Yours is what mine should look like if I actually knew what I was doing.
As for toggleing, I never meant it to me a visible button toggling the function on and off (wouldn't know how), so that's why I invluded the print bit so i could see in the listener what was going on.
Anyway.....someone kinda solved this for us in a slightly more complex way:
http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/sc...ing-camera-rigSigning out,