I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement but if it is possible without too much effort
it would save a lot of time when you need ZDepth for postproduction.
Right now you have to render each animation twice to get a quality ZDepth channel.
First the standard passes with Anti-Aliasing in your targeted resultion.
And then a stripped down version of the scene at double resolution with the ZDepth Render Element.
The reason for the higer resoulution is that you cannot use Anti-Aliasing on the ZDepth channel.
The same is also true for the color ID channels.
A detailed explanation for the problem is shown in this compositing video tutorial:
http://vimeo.com/10894390 (from 07:30 until 11:30)
or in the Post-DOF plugin manuals like "Frischluft Lenscare".
So a "double resolution" checkbox in the render elements parameters
would be a useful addition to V-Ray i think.
it would save a lot of time when you need ZDepth for postproduction.
Right now you have to render each animation twice to get a quality ZDepth channel.
First the standard passes with Anti-Aliasing in your targeted resultion.
And then a stripped down version of the scene at double resolution with the ZDepth Render Element.
The reason for the higer resoulution is that you cannot use Anti-Aliasing on the ZDepth channel.
The same is also true for the color ID channels.
A detailed explanation for the problem is shown in this compositing video tutorial:
http://vimeo.com/10894390 (from 07:30 until 11:30)
or in the Post-DOF plugin manuals like "Frischluft Lenscare".
So a "double resolution" checkbox in the render elements parameters
would be a useful addition to V-Ray i think.