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VFB render region option: to make it part of the render settings.

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  • VFB render region option: to make it part of the render settings.

    When I do test renders I always use the render region in the vray frame buffer. And when it's 4am I have to go to sleep and start test render on the render farm. I then load my render presets for the high quality renders and click render. But more than often I wake up and see no frame rendered because I forgot to deactivate the render region button in the vfb...

    So could be great to have this option in the render settings like the standard "Area to render" so it get saved in the render settings and we don't have to think about it.


    Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
    Little Antman
    See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
    Some RnD involving PhoenixFD

  • #2
    LMAO ! I thought i was the only retard (not that im calling you one =P ) that woke up in the morning 8 hours later only to find I had a Region Render!!! With the Client Calling for Images for a meeting not knowing were to stick my head.. O_O
    Ruben Gil


    • #3
      would love that option to be more like the standard in max. where you also could just hit a button and draw the region in the viewport, not having to open the vfb first to draw in there.

      and maybe a big red RegionRenderIsOn-button next to the renderbutton...
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      • #4
        LMAO! u mean something like this lol..

        Originally posted by Wingman3d View Post
        maybe a big red RegionRenderIsOn-button next to the renderbutton...
        Attached Files
        Ruben Gil


        • #5
          Happened to me too
          But I developed a habit : after I hit render , I go and brush my teeth and return to my pc again to check if all is fine.
          for my blog and tutorials:


          • #6
            Hm, isn't this problem also there with the normal 3ds Max render region?

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Yes, the previous version of Max, would make you press the little OK button on the lower right hand frame. when you were rendering a region, which has changed. Now as soon as you switch you can Render the Region without any Warning. I think a small Popup maybe warning you are rendering a region would be appropriate. What do you guys think ?
              Ruben Gil


              • #8
                Originally posted by pskdude View Post
                Yes, the previous version of Max, would make you press the little OK button on the lower right hand frame. when you were rendering a region, which has changed. Now as soon as you switch you can Render the Region without any Warning. I think a small Popup maybe warning you are rendering a region would be appropriate. What do you guys think ?
                i don't like pop-ups. i hate all the pop-ups that come up to warn me when i know what i'm doing. and usually when i render a region, that is what i want to do.
                but then there are those times when you have set everything up, press render, maybe send the job through backburner... and then you realize the region. maybe the next day, or just after waiting 2minutes for the render to start. it's annoying either way.
                i think that a small switch next to the renderbutton would do the trick (the red light may be over the top pskdude .
                When testrendering with region, i usually go a lot back and forth from the viewport and the render tabs. rendering a lot of tests, and adjusting settings.

                I'd like to press a regionbutton next to the renderbutton, then be able to draw the region in the viewport, then hit render.
                And when i'm ready for the final go, i will see clearly that region is on, just flick that switch and hit render.
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                • #9
                  Another frustrating thing is having a render region setup in the FB and then clicking a region render in max. VRay disregards the region I selected in MAX and renders whatever is set up in the VFB. More user error than a problem with vray though.
         - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                  • #10
                    In any case i think we can all relate to every situation lol. Its a double edged sword. Regardless were trying to avoid that first scenario. Maybe we should all consider picking up Pixelas Habit. One things for sure we would all have whiter teeth

                    Originally posted by pixela View Post
                    Happened to me too
                    But I developed a habit : after I hit render , I go and brush my teeth and return to my pc again to check if all is fine.
                    Ruben Gil


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by pixela View Post
                      Happened to me too
                      But I developed a habit : after I hit render , I go and brush my teeth and return to my pc again to check if all is fine.
                      Ditto. I've learned that habit the hard way too.

                      I actually never use the VFB crop for this reason though. I *always* forget it. I generally render hi-res via Backburner, and it always warns you if you are submitting a region/crop render. That's a safety line I rely on a lot. Still need to come back and check to see what else I may have forgotten to turn off/on etc.


                      Brett Simms



                      • #12
                        1: If we could get a 'region off' button somewhere in the Vray render dialog, then you dont have to start a render to turn a 'forgotten' region off (you cant open the Vray Framebuffer until you have rendered something)
                        2: Would love an option to turn region off at the point where you send a net render.
                        3: Even better: option to turn region off in the backburner settings.
                        Jonas Andersen
                        Cadpeople | Visual Communication


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vlado View Post
                          Hm, isn't this problem also there with the normal 3ds Max render region?

                          Best regards,
                          At least there is a menu called "area to render" in the common render settings. But this one doesn't seem to be updated by the presets. I would like the vray render region option to be in the render settings and ALSO be updated by the preset. That way if we make a preset for the final render, we put turn the render region just by loading the final preset!

                          Now could be an occasion to add theis feature with vray 2.0.



                          Explosion & smoke I did with PhoenixFD
                          Little Antman
                          See Iron Baby and other of my models on Turbosquid!
                          Some RnD involving PhoenixFD

