Might be a bit of a pig to impleament because ideally it requires max to communicate with Backburner in an ideal world but there are work-arounds.
I've noticed significant improvements to rendering timings if i use a pre-render script I wrote that copies the LC and IR maps to the local machine from a network location before rendering then re-paths the maps to local. It seems that all rendering servers fighting to read the same file causes a massive slow down on our network at least.
Would be good if Vray did this internally... My script works well because the blades only have to copy the file to local once per job and it stays there until I send a delete job to the blades, in an ideal world it would know when the job had been terminated/finished and then would auto-delete, but this requries either communicating with backburner or a test to see if the current job is different to the last job, if true, then delete old map, bit of a hack-around but does the job.
I've noticed significant improvements to rendering timings if i use a pre-render script I wrote that copies the LC and IR maps to the local machine from a network location before rendering then re-paths the maps to local. It seems that all rendering servers fighting to read the same file causes a massive slow down on our network at least.
Would be good if Vray did this internally... My script works well because the blades only have to copy the file to local once per job and it stays there until I send a delete job to the blades, in an ideal world it would know when the job had been terminated/finished and then would auto-delete, but this requries either communicating with backburner or a test to see if the current job is different to the last job, if true, then delete old map, bit of a hack-around but does the job.