This would be a really really cool feature to have....
One of the pitfalls of max in it's current architecture it's a pain to have a shader linked between max scenes. You can Xref object the shader in but it's a pain to do, prone to problems and causes unneeded overhead.
We would need a button in the material editor, perhaps an extra rollout on the bottom of each material which allows you to save this shader (and submats) to a file.
Then we would need a new type of Vray Mtl which was Called.....
VrayExternalShader or something...
Where you could source it to the external file. So multiple scene could use the same shader setup so you could overwrite this file and suddenly in all your scenes the material has been updated.
Then to make it even better you could have the option to have the VrayExternalShader material embedded the sourced shader within it so you could make changes to the shader and it would automatically write this to the file so you wouldn't even have to think about updating it.
If I knew C++/SDK I'd be writing this now...
Another advantage is that you'd then have backwards compatibility for vray shaders between max versions.
One of the pitfalls of max in it's current architecture it's a pain to have a shader linked between max scenes. You can Xref object the shader in but it's a pain to do, prone to problems and causes unneeded overhead.
We would need a button in the material editor, perhaps an extra rollout on the bottom of each material which allows you to save this shader (and submats) to a file.
Then we would need a new type of Vray Mtl which was Called.....
VrayExternalShader or something...
Where you could source it to the external file. So multiple scene could use the same shader setup so you could overwrite this file and suddenly in all your scenes the material has been updated.
Then to make it even better you could have the option to have the VrayExternalShader material embedded the sourced shader within it so you could make changes to the shader and it would automatically write this to the file so you wouldn't even have to think about updating it.
If I knew C++/SDK I'd be writing this now...
Another advantage is that you'd then have backwards compatibility for vray shaders between max versions.