There are some neat features in the new Vray2.0
From what I can see Vray is heading to a more "photographic" enviroment
what with a light meter, lens effects and even the calibration enviroment for real life lens distortion.
So far vray has been realistic in and Engineering sense and from that point of view if fulfils that need.
there are a few suggestions I have to make to make it a more "photographer friendly" enviroment.
1. the Power output of vray lights when used as Watts corresponds pretty well to my studio lights as far as Ws (Watt seconds or Joule). However when I adjust my light I use tenths of a STOP to adjust. This means that I adjust light up or down by a Stop and I can reliably increase or decrease my Aperture by a STOP to get the same exposure. SO I would like to be able to set the power of the light and then attenuate the light output by a fraction of a stop.
2. When workign int he studio, I set my shutter speed to reduce camera shake. So I choose a value of between 60-250th of a second as my strobes sync to that shutterspeed. CHanging this value has no effect on the exposure as the amount of light hitting my sensor is constant (depending on power level) and delivered in a 1500th of a second (or so). The only thing that effects my exposure when using strobes is the aperture. Adjusting the shutterspeed allows me to increase or decrease the amount of AMBIENT light in the final image. So is a mode for the VrayPhys cam that works in a studio fashion possible? At the moment it simulates the continuous light of movie photographers, not the Studio Strobes of the still photographers.
From what I can see Vray is heading to a more "photographic" enviroment
what with a light meter, lens effects and even the calibration enviroment for real life lens distortion.
So far vray has been realistic in and Engineering sense and from that point of view if fulfils that need.
there are a few suggestions I have to make to make it a more "photographer friendly" enviroment.
1. the Power output of vray lights when used as Watts corresponds pretty well to my studio lights as far as Ws (Watt seconds or Joule). However when I adjust my light I use tenths of a STOP to adjust. This means that I adjust light up or down by a Stop and I can reliably increase or decrease my Aperture by a STOP to get the same exposure. SO I would like to be able to set the power of the light and then attenuate the light output by a fraction of a stop.
2. When workign int he studio, I set my shutter speed to reduce camera shake. So I choose a value of between 60-250th of a second as my strobes sync to that shutterspeed. CHanging this value has no effect on the exposure as the amount of light hitting my sensor is constant (depending on power level) and delivered in a 1500th of a second (or so). The only thing that effects my exposure when using strobes is the aperture. Adjusting the shutterspeed allows me to increase or decrease the amount of AMBIENT light in the final image. So is a mode for the VrayPhys cam that works in a studio fashion possible? At the moment it simulates the continuous light of movie photographers, not the Studio Strobes of the still photographers.