I Just thought I'd finally write it. I don't have a lot of time to write all points but ill start from one and just update it over time...
So here we go
Lights :
Vray Light
Extra bar options to control diffuse/specular/reflection >

Also opacity map for texture slots. So if I use white circle as texture to cast light I can use alpha to get rid of the black background thats left...
And maybe can we have separet Subdivision samples control per each specular/diffuse/reflection/shadows ? I've noticed that to get smooth specular I need high samples, however I dont need that much for shadows and diffuse so would be helpful...
Edit : Bah forgot to add, exclude for each option too so I can exclude/include some objects from reflection and so on ...
Caustics & Diffuse
Just an easy help... give us option to edit caustics from light menu instead of F10>Lights bla bla bla...
Lights barn doors :
But let me also chose a custom model, I did try it with 3ds max models but weird things happen with GI... had to go up and it was messy time consuming insufficient... will try it again might get it better tho...
Smooth light
Ok heres the idea, we add a border to light that will have a opacity gradient from white to transparent. We get to chose settings how big is the border and wuaila we fixed jagged edges from lights reflection.
No need for any post ''fake''filter that ad blur and glow like we got now...(sry but I don't like how its now ;s )
I'm doing this with textured map but its hard since lights change size, map change gradient and have black borders sooo plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Materials :
Universal material

Basically we have what we need/want as many as we want. I always struggle with blending materials that got bunch of usseles controls that I have to keep eye on... This should be easy. I thin that I should also add BRDF not sure tho, I never change it hehe...
Also crucial thing that I need is BUMP for Reflection/Specular and not Diffuse slot. Mental ray got it from years, I'm surprise vray didn't got it back in sp 1.5
Will come at some point
F 10 > Render Elements >
Advance Reflection
Basically let me chose which bounce I want and what outputs.
So Bounce 1 output > Reflection/wire/spec/shadows and so on
Bounce 2 > Reflection and so on
All bounces > Reflection bal bla
Advanced Refraction
Same as above
But in both cases let us chose offset of colors or hue anything for Wire/material ID just so if we have to do different post to mirrored elements we can do it...
Why I want this filter? quite easy answer a lot of ''mirror'' projects are huge pain to do if I cant have enough image data to get the right results...
Or can we do it already somehow... ?
F10 >V-ray> Global switches>
Can we have an extra option to overide reflaction/reflection depth ?
Let say
Min xx to Max xx and fixed one at XX point
Min/max would simply increase/decrease the numbers that would be outside the range...
Similar for subdiv in refl/refract would be nice too
I Just thought I'd finally write it. I don't have a lot of time to write all points but ill start from one and just update it over time...
So here we go
Lights :
Vray Light
Extra bar options to control diffuse/specular/reflection >
Also opacity map for texture slots. So if I use white circle as texture to cast light I can use alpha to get rid of the black background thats left...
And maybe can we have separet Subdivision samples control per each specular/diffuse/reflection/shadows ? I've noticed that to get smooth specular I need high samples, however I dont need that much for shadows and diffuse so would be helpful...
Edit : Bah forgot to add, exclude for each option too so I can exclude/include some objects from reflection and so on ...
Caustics & Diffuse
Just an easy help... give us option to edit caustics from light menu instead of F10>Lights bla bla bla...
Lights barn doors :
But let me also chose a custom model, I did try it with 3ds max models but weird things happen with GI... had to go up and it was messy time consuming insufficient... will try it again might get it better tho...
Smooth light
Ok heres the idea, we add a border to light that will have a opacity gradient from white to transparent. We get to chose settings how big is the border and wuaila we fixed jagged edges from lights reflection.
No need for any post ''fake''filter that ad blur and glow like we got now...(sry but I don't like how its now ;s )
I'm doing this with textured map but its hard since lights change size, map change gradient and have black borders sooo plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Materials :
Universal material
Basically we have what we need/want as many as we want. I always struggle with blending materials that got bunch of usseles controls that I have to keep eye on... This should be easy. I thin that I should also add BRDF not sure tho, I never change it hehe...
Also crucial thing that I need is BUMP for Reflection/Specular and not Diffuse slot. Mental ray got it from years, I'm surprise vray didn't got it back in sp 1.5
Will come at some point
F 10 > Render Elements >
Advance Reflection
Basically let me chose which bounce I want and what outputs.
So Bounce 1 output > Reflection/wire/spec/shadows and so on
Bounce 2 > Reflection and so on
All bounces > Reflection bal bla
Advanced Refraction
Same as above
But in both cases let us chose offset of colors or hue anything for Wire/material ID just so if we have to do different post to mirrored elements we can do it...
Why I want this filter? quite easy answer a lot of ''mirror'' projects are huge pain to do if I cant have enough image data to get the right results...
Or can we do it already somehow... ?
F10 >V-ray> Global switches>
Can we have an extra option to overide reflaction/reflection depth ?
Let say
Min xx to Max xx and fixed one at XX point
Min/max would simply increase/decrease the numbers that would be outside the range...
Similar for subdiv in refl/refract would be nice too