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New VrayLight shapes and targets

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  • New VrayLight shapes and targets

    Hi there,

    would it be possible to include some studiolight-shapes to the VrayLights. What i have in mind is primarily a circular shape and a polygonal shape with definable number of sides.
    And as the Title says, Light-target option would be a cool feature because i find them even faster to position as moving and turning the lights by hand.

    I know this features has been requested a lot of times now in the wishlist section but since in vray 2.0 the lights have a directional parameter i like to refresh the request for at least round shaped Lights (and targets ).

  • #2
    YES! Im totally with you. Some more shapes would be really really helpful. Circle, Cylinder, Box, Ngon.. Where all the 2d shapes should have the same directional paramter as the rectangle has...


    • #3
      The target is easy, for the rest you can always use a texture to make any planar shape you wish.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Correct me if I'm wrong Vlado, I've only tied it once before, but doesn't it then use the image for all the light info. I'd like to create a softbox Matte that I can just add to the vray light. So I can still use Vrays colour temp, intensity etc.
        When I did try it I seem to remember it changed the light to being white.

        I may just be doing it wrong

        Gavin Jeoffreys
        Freelance 3D Generalist


        • #5
          Ah yes, there is that. The intensity will still work though, even with a texture mapped light. I guess we can add an option to multiply the texture by the light color.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            A separate alpha channel for the vray light would also do the trick, much like the light material.
            Brett Simms



            • #7
              I guess we can add an option to multiply the texture by the light color.
              That would be nice


              • #8
                You can also put a Map with an integrated alpha into the map slot of the VrayLight.

                Yes of course Vlado you can use maps to get your light shape, actually this is the way how i do it since i use Vray. Of cource there are so many lightshapes in studio lightning that really wouldn't make sense to integrate them as a standard light shapes. But nevertheless, i think that at least a circle is such a fairly common shape for a light that it would really make sense to have it as a Light type. Besides that Vray allready has a circular Light, but just as VraySun .
                Last edited by möbius; 21-12-2010, 02:30 PM.


                • #9
                  But nevertheless, i think that at least a circle is such a fairly common shape for a light that it would really make sense to have it as a Light type
                  Couldn't agree more...


                  • #10

                    And for some additional 3D shapes like the ones WobiNich suggested i definitly give my vote, too - Simply because i think that even if a Max photometric light has most of these i'm sure there're used quite often.
                    Last edited by möbius; 23-12-2010, 08:15 AM.


                    • #11
                      If you want to have a "3d-shaped-light", I think IES light what you want.


                      • #12
                        No, It's not about the shape of the light itself but about the shape of the light object. Like for the VrayLight you can choose a Dome, Plane, Sphere and a Mesh as Light source there could further be a circle, Cylinder, Box and Ngon, where the first three are definitly not unfounded because like i said there're also available in other Max Lights. The Ngon maybe not but it in Studio-Lighting softboxes often has polygonal shapes.
                        Last edited by möbius; 23-12-2010, 02:36 PM.


                        • #13
                          Would standard max primitives used as mesh lights (like the torus or a shape with a "turn to mesh" applied) give you the result / adaptability you're looking for?
                          Set V-Ray class properties en masse with the VMC script
                          Follow me for script updates: @ollyspolys


                          • #14
                            Yes of course they would, but actually i'm not searching a solution for a specific problem, i am uttering a feature wish.

                            To summarize the whole topic in one sentence - I would like to have light shapes which i use really often and what are most common in real studio lighting (circle, Cylinder, Ngon ... ) available as a further standard "VrayLigth Type" so that you always have them quickly at your fingertips for a interesting studio light setup and don't have to do to much steps to generate them.

                            Further i like to say that it's really not my intention to have the VrayLight Type Rollout messed up with dozens of unnecessary shapes, e.g. i would never suggest to add a Torus as a Light Type, even though there are also used in real studio lighting. In this cases you can definitly use a mesh Light. But in my view - and i hope in yours as well - a circular light as example could definitly be a standard Light Type.
                            Last edited by möbius; 24-12-2010, 12:57 PM.

