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Vray light meter

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  • Vray light meter

    please add a feature to allow scripted access to the light meter to trigger a calculation


    BTW the directional property of vray lights is very nice now.

  • #2
    Originally posted by rajdarge View Post
    please add a feature to allow scripted access to the light meter to trigger a calculation
    Yes, made a note to do it.

    BTW the directional property of vray lights is very nice now.
    Glad to hear it

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      is the light meter a cardiod or flat sensor type?

      if I convert ISO, SS and A to Exposure Value with Vrayphyscam
      ie A= 8.0 ISO = 200, SS = 125
      I change A to 8.1 and back to 8 keeping EV constant and SS fixed, the ISO jumps to 210

      Is this a rounding error in max, the Vray Physcam or somewhere else?

      I found that setting lights to watts was a fair approximation of my studio setup (with real studio lights, reflectors and lightmeters) in v 2.01
      but in 2.02 it is 4 stops too low ( I can fix this with a fudge factor that I am already using, but is this behaviour between the versions what you wanted ?)



      • #4
        I found the source of the error:
        here is my fixed code
        EVnum = (log10 (ap^2.0*SS) + log10 (ISO/100.0) )/log10 2

        I was dividing ISO by 100 and not 100.0
        I still get an error but its on the 3rd significant number
        so I will have to start adding some roundings


        looking at the

        why does

        pop up the VFB window and this
        not reveal this command.

        are there others undocumented ?
        Last edited by rajdarge; 30-12-2010, 12:40 PM.


        • #5
          While on the subject and if possible; can I get a standalone light meter for Vray 1.5 and Max 9...? Not even Santa helped me this year to upgrade.


          • #6
            you can make your own scripted light meter with a fisheye camera lens and 180degree FOV and a small 1x1pixel render .

            by the way that formula up there is completely wrong (dont trust wikepaedia)
            this is the correct one:
            EV = log(ap^2.0 * SS * 100.0 / ISO)/log 2.0
            also I'm a bit rusty as I haven't done any serious maths in 25 years.



            • #7
              I'm totally rusty as i never have done any scripting... Ok, will see but all I want is the foot-candles on an area or point.


              • #8
                depends on what you want to achieve.
                If its to render and expose the image properly:
                make a camera at the subject,
                point it towards the main camera,
                make it a fisheye lens of 180 degrees.
                render a 1x1 pixel render
                this pixel will tell you approximately how much light is falling on that point. If its out of the range you want - its over exposed.
                adjust the lighting appropriately as the pixel is in HDRI format.

                Just like you can use a camera as a crude light meter

                It will not give you foot candles.

                I think the light meter in Vray 2.0 does something similar
                but then vlado converts it to LUX ( similar to foot candles)
                he used some conversion formula that is highly dependant on the way that vray has been created
                Not sure how he calibrated it .

                Maybe he will give you the conversion formula.
                When I am finished my current script mebe I could try and write that light meter one for max 9. I would have to be careful to only use commands for that
                Since I never used max 9 - I might have to get you to send me the Online Max script reference.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by rajdarge View Post
                  looking at the

                  why does

                  pop up the VFB window and this
                  not reveal this command.

                  are there others undocumented ?
                  Most of the MaxScript methods are listed here:

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    thanks I was looking for something like that.

                    any idea on how long it might be before I have a trigger for light cal available ?
                    I have a workaround but its cumbersome and I'd rather not write it if the trigger is just around the corner.

                    Also I just made some calibrated photos with my light meter, a model and a calibrated colour chart from x-rite

                    Using the studio strobes that I have with the diffusers that I have
                    I get pretty similar results using Power set to watts, but I have pretty well precisely 2 stop difference between what I get with vray and what I get with my camera and lightmeter

                    I should have done distortion maps for all my lenses while the studio was set up, but I forgot.
                    once I have done such a thing, is there some kind of database of such files that I could upload to?

