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V-ray is best but wishlist still veeeerrrry long

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  • V-ray is best but wishlist still veeeerrrry long

    at first like i´ve seen a daylight system and ies support. Secound no daylight system works correct when the materials doesnt support "realworld materials" means, i would like to make the diffuse reflection of an objekt to for example 80 % and not something between 1 and 3 what ever this means on objekt level. third , a realistic exposurre control which converts realworld energy distribution of a sunlight with for example 90000 lux to the way poeple see it. (something like this does exist in max 5 radiosity, logarithmic exposure control, while i am shure it could be much better).
    support of an anhanced visual frame buffer and also .hdr export. The visual frame buffer could have an interactive exposure control !!! see your rendering and interactive make your control in the viewport. also i would like to see support of all the max 5 render elements, which i think Vray doesnt support, and for more, a gi pass and a causix pass for compositing. Would be grate to support the psd manager plugin of cebas ore to make your own at chaos group.
    an option to switch on reflection caustix or refraction caustix ore both ... .
    support for global irradiance maps with al materials ?
    distributet singleframe rendering also of the irradiance creation (right now each computer computes the irradiancemap allone. the fastest beginns to render).

    by the way. compared V-ray (for me allarround best) with Brazil, Brazil makes much more crisp gi shadows with smal details. V-ray and also fr stg 1 seem to ignore the very smal shadow details (on the oather hand are very fast). V-ray with quasi montecarlo also makes very smal crisp gi shadow details. So if ther is a way to get those very smal details also with irradiance map, that would be grate.

    support of more advanced shaders, like brazil car shader, skinnshader ....

    whel there is still much to do. but at last V-ray seems to give a very robust core, very fast, and easy to use. hopefuly the guy´s of chaos go on to put in some of the stuff that the oather renderes allreadey support (for example distorsion)
