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A "Mate GI and Caustix solution" like the Mate sha

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  • A "Mate GI and Caustix solution" like the Mate sha


    Just have been testing a smal scene after reading something about the mate shadow solution in Vray.

    Right now i can Render a new layer in Vray taking in account the Gi illumination of the backround objects in a scene , and the mate shadow option in the object settings allows me to use the lighting solution of the backround scene, to get my charachter lit.

    The output is a usual bitmapfile, where i can see the character, the direct shadows caused by direct light, and verry nice also the smooth gi shadows and also the light falling on my new character from the invisible backroundobjects. "Thats allreadey great and much better than the old max5 mate shadow" .

    what i was also hoping, would have been that the bouncing light, comming from my character would lead to some colorbleeding in the new layer.
    and also i tested some caustix, which crashed max totaly.

    So this would be nice for the future. "Caustix and also Gi bouncing from the new objects arround onto the invisible backround. like the shadows now also the light"..


  • #2

    once again me. by thinking of my text i had another idea.

    I was only able to lit my new character in the scene by using "single frame" for the first pass.

    the backround was a room, lit by photonmapping for the secoundary bounces and an precalculated irradiance.

    so when i render the backround alone, i can use the precalculated irradiance map "from file". which is very fast.

    Now it would have been grate, if i could have said for the mate shadow objects, take your light from the file, and for the new objects to say , take "single frame" from the irradiance map.

    or did it take something wrong ?.


