getting bad anti-aliasing with PAL fields rendering here, wish you could do something about it. I love VRAY for beeing the only raytraced capable of fast rendering fields, but sometimes the quality is low.
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Anti Aliasing improvements with fields
As Wishlist I want to make a suggestion.
As an option:
Render two complete images with full resolution
with antialiasing, as upper and lower field,
then just write in the first field images the missing lines from
the second field.
Render time would be double, but
a. you have to do it anyway
b. you dont have to compose and timestretch...
c. the result is unbeatable
It is possible ?
cu benjamin
You mean to squezzed pictures with half high? That won't take to long.
I remember this feature in Lightwave called split field rendering.
I don't use field rendering in MAX because my impression with Vray was the some. No good quality, flickering on the preview monitor etc.
I always render full frame.