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VrayRawGiSelect and VrayRawReflectionSelect Pass as the new VRayLightSelect Pass?

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  • VrayRawGiSelect and VrayRawReflectionSelect Pass as the new VRayLightSelect Pass?

    Dear vray team,

    is it planned for the future to enable a feature like multilight in Maxwell? I mean that you can create passes for the contribution of different light sets to the scene, not just for the direct amount of light, but also for the rawgi, rawreflection, rawrefraction and so on? This would be really great and enable a totally flexible post production.

    Best regards


    Max, VRay, Fusion:

  • #2
    There are plans to include reflections of lights into the VRayLightSelect element and also to include the full contribution (GI, reflection etc) when using the V-Ray bidirectional path tracer. We have not considered other per-light elements like the raw elements for the moment - won't this make your compositing workflow way too complicated?

    However it will be relatively easy to add an option in the VRayLightSelect element to tell it whether you want raw or regular contribution.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Dear Vlado,

      you are right, probably rawgi would not be better than just gi, only if you want to alter the diffuse texture below, which is done very rarely in our projects.
      So to add gi, reflection, specular to the light of an individual light, this would be great. Or even to create a single rgb per light element? In the last still rendering I rendered out different groups of light in pure rgb white (hdr) and then color corrected and exposed the lights individually in compositing with fusion. There you can create every rgb color and intensity of the lights that you want. This would be great if one can do this in a single render job, for movies and stills. So one has more freedom to color correct the lights individually, gets better results, is faster in project work and can do light animations during a walkthrough after the movie is rendered.

      Best regards


      Max, VRay, Fusion:


      • #4

        your workflow are really interesting and I, we, everybody, wil be very interesting if you can give more details about it. I personnaly used motiva colimo to be able to, somehow, change color and density of the light, as well as material, texture and color.
        But, it'a an approximation and your worflow seems more accurate.



        • #5
          Hi there

          I'd also like to have the "raw" option for the "lightSelect". Of course, also the possibility to get the according "GI" and "reflection" portions of a "lightSelect" Set.
          Would be great if I could just check an option, to generate those passes from a "lightSelect" render element automatically.
          I also color the lights in compo, or use the maps as masks to add a color.
          The raw option is needed, because I also bake lightmaps to use in a game engine.

          Spoken of that, it would be very great, if I could access the "lightSelect" element in render to texture, as well.
          Right now, I have to do a separate render for every group of lights I want to use in the compo of the final lightmap.
          Would be sooo great, if I could accomplish this in a single rendering!

          I'm also a bit irritated, because the vray virtual framebuffer closes automatically after the render to texture is done.
          Only the max framebuffer stays open..

          Last edited by marc; 14-09-2011, 10:14 AM.


          • #6
            Hi Fraggle,

            sorry for not answering earlier, I was quite busy the last days. In a last project I found out that it is very easy for me to react to customers needs for specific colored lighting of interior scenes, if I just render out the different light groups as separate images. All lights have pure white as color and the same intensity. I save them as .hdr-files and compose them in Fusion with just additive blend. Then I expose every lightgroup rendering separately, sometimes just adjust the color gain so that the light is not so intense, sometimes also adjust the color, with different exposures on every color channel (red, green, blue), put curves on it or whitebalance. If the customer is satisified, one can put the adjustments made in fusion or another comping program back to 3ds max (as long as they are linear, curves not) and adjust the lights with the according color to render out a sequence of images or a whole movie. This approach requires a bit more of setup but reduces from my opinion time for several testrenders where you might never get the perfect result if you don't have the opportunity to see the effect of the individual lights. If you have a renderfarm you can use the computers when they are idle and reduce your time for the test renderings. this workflow can also be automated by maxscript, automatically submit the jobs per light to the renderfarm.
            In Maxwell this seems to be already integrated, from what I have heard, but never tried it. there you can adjust direct and gi-amount of every light after the rendering.
            Best regards


            Originally posted by fraggle View Post

            your workflow are really interesting and I, we, everybody, wil be very interesting if you can give more details about it. I personnaly used motiva colimo to be able to, somehow, change color and density of the light, as well as material, texture and color.
            But, it'a an approximation and your worflow seems more accurate.


            Max, VRay, Fusion:



            • #7
              Thanks Robert,

              I catch your worflow, thanks to your explanation.
              Will try it pretty soon.


              • #8
                Interesting ! Sign me up for it too.

                As long as we can get Diffuse/Reflection/Specular per light I'm up for it.
                CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

       - come and look


                • #9
                  Dear Vray team, is it planned to integrate such a feature, enhancing the VrayLightSelect with the indirect contributions like GI and indirect Reflections (not the raw necessarily), beside of specular and light? It would be "enough" for our workflow to have the full RGB per light group, so you have a true multilight feature as in maxwell, which is probably only possible if you use a specific render method as you mentioned?

                  Thank you much


                  Max, VRay, Fusion:


