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  • AO


    I globally really VRay but find it sometimes frustrating compared to other engines. For example, the only way I found to get an AO pass is to use VRay_ExtraTex RE and set a vRayDirt map to be used with it. So I'd like to know if it would be possible to add an option to vRay_ExtraTex RE so that it could output the AO set in Indirect Illumination rollout ... it would be much more handy and flexible IMO !

    However, I'm open for other ideas about simple AO RE

    Thanks in advance,

    Nicolas Caplat

  • #2
    There is an option for AO in the GI settings, why don't you use that one?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      i think he wants to use that one, but get it as a seperate render element. imho the extratex option isnt so painful to use though.


      • #4
        Originally posted by super gnu View Post
        i think he wants to use that one, but get it as a seperate render element. imho the extratex option isnt so painful to use though.
        That's indeed what I meant ... not that the ExtraTex RE is really painful to use, but the thing I propose is something I really like in finalRender. In fact, my point of view is as simple as: why adding something to the scene whereas it's already there (in this case, AO in the GI settings) and could probably be extracted ?
        Nicolas Caplat


        • #5
          I do not agree. Extra tex is really easy and I don't see a reason to make a finicky alteration. There is a function that works and there is no need for a "alternative".
          Dmitry Vinnik
          Silhouette Images Inc.


          • #6
            Originally posted by NicoC View Post
            but the thing I propose is something I really like in finalRender.
            I haven't used final render so I have no way to know what you mean

            In fact, my point of view is as simple as: why adding something to the scene whereas it's already there (in this case, AO in the GI settings) and could probably be extracted ?
            This is possible, of course. (But it is also true that I do have a general dislike to AO )

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Morbid Angel View Post
              I do not agree. Extra tex is really easy and I don't see a reason to make a finicky alteration. There is a function that works and there is no need for a "alternative".

              I just *love* this kind of categorical point of views ... can you even consider that your own workflow doesn't fit everyone's needs / expectations ?
              Nicolas Caplat


              • #8
                Originally posted by vlado View Post
                I haven't used final render so I have no way to know what you mean

                Just to clarify a bit: VRay offers an AO "embedded" with GI, that we can set up in the GI rollout. So basically, why not outputing this AO on a render element (either a new AO RE or by adding a dedicated mode in VRay ExtraTex RE, that doesn't really matter) ? my point of view is that ExtraTex combined with Dirt obviously adds extra computation, so why not using AO, which is *already* computed, to output it on the RE ? the goal is the same IMO.

                To take finalRender as example, which provides a feature called "Details Detection" that is nearly the same as vRay GI's AO, with some more options. Now if we add fR-AO render element, we can choose between various modes where there is one called "GI-Details" ... the resulting AO RE will simply give you a black & white output of the AO generated by the Details Detection feature ! simple, efficient, and pretty straightforward

                Nicolas Caplat


                • #9
                  Yes, I figured that's what you meant. Like I said, it is not too hard to do that and I'll add it as a feature request. However in that case the GI elements themselves should come without the AO?

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by vlado View Post
                    However in that case the GI elements themselves should come without the AO?
                    I'd say that would make the most sense... maybe it would be practicable to just add an VRayAmbientOcclusion render element... once that one is added, AO gets calculated, no matter if AO is activated in the GI settings. That way you could have it both as a render element AND included in the GI at the same time, in case that's ever needed.

                    And as a little addition to that, would it be possible to have a few more settings for the AO? I'm always missing the "falloff" value that I have in VRayDirt...
                    Last edited by Laserschwert; 20-12-2011, 04:14 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vlado View Post
                      However in that case the GI elements themselves should come without the AO?
                      Not necessarily ... ideally, an option could allow to choose whether AO output is made separately on it own RE or if AO is embedded in GI REs

                      Thanks !

                      Best regards.
                      Nicolas Caplat

