Is something like this possible where the displacement is only calculated within the cone of the selected camera ? This would be very useful for saving memory when doing landscapes. Currently I have to break apart the landscapes and use displacement on different sections depending on the camera position.
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view dependent displacement
I think it could be good also to have a degradation of the tesselation dependently from the distance to the camera.
If it's possibile, you should control the degradation with a near/far input values like the clipping planes.
Vlado..what do you think??
I think in this mode the memory optimization it's the best possible.
Originally posted by bardo View PostI think it could be good also to have a degradation of the tesselation dependently from the distance to the camera.It uses the edge length to drive the tessellation though.
Best regards,
VladoI only act like I know everything, Rogers.
but at the moment with which rule it defines the tessellation levels?
What I'm saying is that sometimes I should have the ability to control the degradation...and some near/far spinners could it doable??
EDIT: I'm sorry...I've read the manual and I found which rule it uses...but I think my question is good again.
As comparison, you could think how the scatters plugins (multiscatter, forest pro, ecc) works with near/far density of the instances.
is it possibile to have a similar workflow for the displacement tessellation??Last edited by bardo; 21-12-2011, 03:17 AM.