I can't really tell you why but if you render and compare two images: once rendered normally and second time with everything matte except the object of interest you will see a difference. It can be only subtle or very different, depending on the scene.
I made a simple test render and attached comparison pictures below. The scene is a ball enclosed in a small "room" created by 4 planes. The light is emitted by a very bright vray light on the left. You can see a big difference between the ball that is rendered normally and the ball that is enclosed by matte planes.

Instead of making the objects matte I'd better make them invisible to camera. The light also changes but it's almost unrecognizable.
I made a simple test render and attached comparison pictures below. The scene is a ball enclosed in a small "room" created by 4 planes. The light is emitted by a very bright vray light on the left. You can see a big difference between the ball that is rendered normally and the ball that is enclosed by matte planes.
Instead of making the objects matte I'd better make them invisible to camera. The light also changes but it's almost unrecognizable.