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Multiple regions defined before rendering.

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  • Multiple regions defined before rendering.

    On the wishlist, I would like to add multiple regions that I define before I hit the "Render" button. If I have 4 regions I need to re-render now, I have to render each region and check up when each region is done. Or send 4 regions to my farm. With multiple regions I define each region and hit Render - done

    /Rasmus, Denmark.

  • #2
    It's no solution, but I use a pretty solid workaround for this - add a plane in front of and aligned to the camera and apply a black material with alpha -1 on it. You can then do edit poly->cut and draw shapes around the regions you want to render, deleting holes into it before pressing go. Can use whatever shapes you want like this too.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
      It's no solution, but I use a pretty solid workaround for this - add a plane in front of and aligned to the camera and apply a black material with alpha -1 on it. You can then do edit poly->cut and draw shapes around the regions you want to render, deleting holes into it before pressing go. Can use whatever shapes you want like this too.
      +1 for this's even better than a square region as you can draw complicated shapes to only render what is necessary ...saving render time


      • #4
        I've used before to render out odd shaped regions with one click. - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 3DMK View Post
          +1 for this's even better than a square region as you can draw complicated shapes to only render what is necessary ...saving render time
          I use this a lot as well, but I still would like to have something quicker to setup...
          like a ctrl+click in the VFB that alouws you to freehand draw regions.
          and a Shift+Ctrl+Click to add a another selection in the VFB.

          It happens a lot that I need to render 2 or more differents regions in a frame.
          And because my render takes 5-6 minutes to load the render (heavy maps, loads of forest and instances, big xrefs, etc) I'm struggling sometime to know if I will do 1 big region and render A LOT of un-necessarily pixels or if I will fire-off 2-3 regions renders (knowing that for 3 renders for example, it will be 15 minutes of loading only in stead of 5min for 1 render).

          And all of this is even worse when using DR...

          So yeah, the plane is a good trick, but sometimes it takes more time than rendering regions, the whole point is tying to win man hours in the end...

          3LP Team


          • #6
            Hi all,

            The ability to set multiple regions for the render camera is in our "to do" list.
            For now the workaround posted by cubiclegangster is a great idea.
            Tashko Zashev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              Originally posted by 3LP View Post
              I use this a lot as well, but I still would like to have something quicker to setup...
              You can record a macro. run macro, convert to poly, cut -> draw regions.

