When I type in the value of 100 Watt as Radiant Power in a vray light to simulate a 100W light bulb, I get blown out areas. Recently I found out why that happens in the vray help file:
"Keep in mind that this is not the same as the electric power consumed by a light bulb for example. A typical 100W light bulb only emits between 2 and 3 watts as visible light."
Seriously, do I need to calculate the percentage of the visible light of a 100W light bulb (2-3 Watts)? Honestly, I dont care about which amount gets lost as heat radiation.
I just want to type in 100 Watts in the vray light, and it should be nearly as bright as a true light bulb would be, and not blown out.
"Keep in mind that this is not the same as the electric power consumed by a light bulb for example. A typical 100W light bulb only emits between 2 and 3 watts as visible light."
Seriously, do I need to calculate the percentage of the visible light of a 100W light bulb (2-3 Watts)? Honestly, I dont care about which amount gets lost as heat radiation.
I just want to type in 100 Watts in the vray light, and it should be nearly as bright as a true light bulb would be, and not blown out.