Hello there,
I was wondering if Chaosgroup was considering getting closer to the Multilight feature maxwell has.
It means being more than a simple RE_LightSelect, and avoiding having to do it manually with a complex post process workflow, with GI, reflection and all (or even rendering one job per light !)
I know that the main idea with this feature in maxwell is :
- not having rendertime increases (only RAM), or at least not linearlly with number of light
- being able to test in a single quick render the impact of each light, and set up a good lighting afterward.
- being able to output seperate multilight (or let's say rather full beauty passes) for an animation for example, for post.
I saw that Vray 3.0 might have some evolution on the Vray Light Select pass, so ... maybe ...
Thank you very much !
I was wondering if Chaosgroup was considering getting closer to the Multilight feature maxwell has.
It means being more than a simple RE_LightSelect, and avoiding having to do it manually with a complex post process workflow, with GI, reflection and all (or even rendering one job per light !)
I know that the main idea with this feature in maxwell is :
- not having rendertime increases (only RAM), or at least not linearlly with number of light
- being able to test in a single quick render the impact of each light, and set up a good lighting afterward.
- being able to output seperate multilight (or let's say rather full beauty passes) for an animation for example, for post.
I saw that Vray 3.0 might have some evolution on the Vray Light Select pass, so ... maybe ...

Thank you very much !