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a few things...

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  • a few things...

    -button in the global switches to turn on/off BLURRY reflections.

    -better contrast in shadows !!! without gi the area shadows have enough contrast, with gi the contrast is not that much anymore.

    - faster areas shadows or better shadows with "store to irradiance map"
    i normale use direct shadows fron the area light with higher samples (beginning with 80) to have nice shadowdetails. the gi is fast calculated and clean, but when the shadows are nonstored rendertime explode !!!! the stored shadows are often not to use, too blurred !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or you have to use very high presets with much hsph samples and better treshold. but then...again high rendertimes. please improve the vray light and the area shadow !!!

    - parallel area shadow !!!!! when you setup a direct light you must adjust now the light after you´ve turned on area shadows brazil is planning that feature and it´s very very very usefull in archrenderings...

    - a button in the advanced gi rollout that the gi solutions STAYS in the memory and can be used again for the next rendering without saving and reload the solution.

    - in DR (when it will come someday for max6 ) that you don´t have to setup your main machine also as a server. and a better management for shared bitmaps....

    - photons MUST be faster AND TAKE LESS RAM when it will be productive. for now you just can use photons for very simple scenes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    can´t wait for the next realease

  • #2
    agree with the global glossy switch... others sound good too


    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      Re: a few things...

      - a button in the advanced gi rollout that the gi solutions STAYS in the memory and can be used again for the next rendering without saving and reload the solution.
      You have the "incremental add to irradiance map" mode for that purpose.

      - photons MUST be faster AND TAKE LESS RAM when it will be productive. for now you just can use photons for very simple scenes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      You have the Max. density parameter to limit the resolution and thus the RAM used by the photon map.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        thanks for the answer,

        yes, add incremental....that means it adds somnethings...mostly it´s good, but not for all casses. to lock the solution would be another method

        right, a higher max density value reduces the ram usage, BUT it also lowers the level of detail in some cases. also in bigger scenes even that method is not very productive in my eyes. in these cases i use photons just for the room and unhide the other objects for the irradiance map.

