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Vray Message on VFB

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  • Vray Message on VFB

    When rendering, the vray message window is sometimes ended up behing the render setup dialog (or any other window because i have many dialogs window open, like VMC, or the move transform dialog, etc), i use it for tracking wich render node its failing. So while rendering only the rendering dialog and the VFB can be move around ,if the vray message windows its behind i must hit stop and look for it. It could easy acomodate on the VFB in the form of a buttom. By being there i will always read it and hide it if i dont need it anymore.
    Arch Pedro A. Solano
    "Save the irradiance map, save the render"
    Vray 3.10.03|3DMax 2011 x64|Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @3.4GHz|16GB Ram|Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
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  • #2
    +1. It would be great to display messages in VFB same as VRay RT does.


    • #3
      this is the first thing, i turn off while using RT. very annoying to me.

      why you need the VFB in full size? just a little bit smaller than your screen is, and you can see the green messages on the left part.

      if a render node fails, you have to stop anyway the render to add him again. that happens usually in the first minute...


      • #4
        Switch on/switch off button in VFB. Just to check if everything is OK and then turn it off.


        • #5
          I dont necesarily need it print on the VFB, just like Render History, Color Correction , show pixel information, etc buttons are. If a render node fails, i dont stop the render, i open a VNC and check what happened, but i have first to check it on the vray message window.
          Arch Pedro A. Solano
          "Save the irradiance map, save the render"
          Vray 3.10.03|3DMax 2011 x64|Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @3.4GHz|16GB Ram|Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
          Follow us on facebook
          Visit us on PSolano


          • #6
            ok, this i also miss. there is no direct access to the vray message in the taskbar.

            i log in via RDP, anyway this should be solved. by switching on/off in VFB or in taskbar. (how i dislike the gentle "antialiased" letters in RT).


            • #7
              What about having the log in a sepparate tab? As in tabbed VFB?
              Or maybe as a part of the channel/render element dropdown?
              Signing out,


              • #8
                Would be very useful for rendering DR over Backburner

