Here's the idea.
A slot for a global bump map that get's applied to all vrayblend layers at the same time. Probably with blending options like composite map, so you can choose how to blend it with each layer's bump.
This would be very useful for complex blend materials if you want to quickly change the overall look of the surface. Let's say you need to add to some cracks, or noisy bump, etc to the *whole material. Right now it's quite complex to do - you have to set up instanced bump maps for all layers (if your layers have their own bump already, it's even more tricky, you have to set up composite maps with nested instances). The more layers there are, the more time consuming it gets, not to mention confusing.
If you have a global map, no problem - just set it up, set the blending mode and blend amount and you're done!
A slot for a global bump map that get's applied to all vrayblend layers at the same time. Probably with blending options like composite map, so you can choose how to blend it with each layer's bump.
This would be very useful for complex blend materials if you want to quickly change the overall look of the surface. Let's say you need to add to some cracks, or noisy bump, etc to the *whole material. Right now it's quite complex to do - you have to set up instanced bump maps for all layers (if your layers have their own bump already, it's even more tricky, you have to set up composite maps with nested instances). The more layers there are, the more time consuming it gets, not to mention confusing.
If you have a global map, no problem - just set it up, set the blending mode and blend amount and you're done!