Hey devs,
removing the subdivisions from the motion blur settings is a real PITA to the workflow.
Before, I could flick motion blur on and off during any step in my work flow, for test rendering, and the extra AA for motion blur would only be active during motion blur. Now you'd have to go back and forth in your AA settings, too. And have a little postit on the screen about the optimal motion blur/no motion blur setting per scene...
The new thing is not a major show stopper or anything, but it's a usability issue that was fine before, but now it's annoying.
I know this thread says there was never a "motion blur only" control, but in effect there was, since the extra subdivision was only on when motion blur was activated.
removing the subdivisions from the motion blur settings is a real PITA to the workflow.
Before, I could flick motion blur on and off during any step in my work flow, for test rendering, and the extra AA for motion blur would only be active during motion blur. Now you'd have to go back and forth in your AA settings, too. And have a little postit on the screen about the optimal motion blur/no motion blur setting per scene...
The new thing is not a major show stopper or anything, but it's a usability issue that was fine before, but now it's annoying.
I know this thread says there was never a "motion blur only" control, but in effect there was, since the extra subdivision was only on when motion blur was activated.
