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Batch rendering

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  • Batch rendering

    Hi, it's probably a long shot but is there any chance we could have a dedicated v-ray batch rendering solution like the max default but with included options like exporting render elements, VFB color corrections and other sweet v-ray stuff, since none of this works with the default batch rendering?
    Using backburner is not really an option, because it is not a render manager in the way the batch render is, it's not reusable after making changes.


  • #2
    Would be great to have a better batch render solution, at the moment I use this script
    as it allows you to name files automatically and submit all to backburner in one click etc. and works with Vray elements.


    • #3
      I like the old better v 1.9.8

      this one automatically adds all the cameras that are in your scene.

      though v2 of the script allows you to have the same camera more than once with different settings.


      • #4
        Thanks, I already use those scripts but it seems the render elements are not working with v-ray 3, they aren't saved. Sergo said he would update the script, but still nothing...
        Also, it doesn't save the VFB color corrections which would be a great feature...


        • #5
          Originally posted by dejan View Post
          Thanks, I already use those scripts but it seems the render elements are not working with v-ray 3, they aren't saved. .
          works fine for me on Vray 3, but I use V2 of the script


          • #6
            The problem is that V2 doesn't work with max 2015 At least it didn't work for me. Which version are you on? I tried it with both 14 and 15, but maybe I'm doing something wrong...
            Last edited by dejan; 18-09-2014, 05:11 AM.


            • #7
              I see, we're still on 2014.... Cant live without that script so I guess I wont be upgrading to 2015.
              Wish I could maxscript..


              • #8
                That's strange because it didn't work with 2014 for me as well... I should try it again with 2015 when I get some time, maybe I did something wrong...

                EDIT: Turns out V2 does work with 2015, it just needs a few seconds to start and opens a cmd window which it never did in 2012 where I used it before.. Also it doesn't save render elements, not even when I switch off vray VFB in the script, which is sort of a fix for script v1.9, but the elements save in 2 versions for some reason. One looks like it's just an alpha and the other is the proper element without antialiasing and in tga format, which is weird because I can't find any setting where I would change this and I never save anything out as tga, so it can't be picking it up from some other option...
                Last edited by dejan; 19-09-2014, 05:56 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dejan View Post
                  Hi, it's probably a long shot but is there any chance we could have a dedicated v-ray batch rendering solution like the max default but with included options like exporting render elements, VFB color corrections and other sweet v-ray stuff, since none of this works with the default batch rendering?
                  Using backburner is not really an option, because it is not a render manager in the way the batch render is, it's not reusable after making changes.


                  I can't but second this one 3dsmax's Batch Render is PITA in daily work if you ask me ... not even able to automatically add all the scene cameras !! and that's one limitation between others ... if Chaos could provide a complete batch rendering toolkit, it would be indeed amazing !! or maybe would that be a job for some scripter / coder around

                  Nicolas Caplat

