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Override material; exclude material instead of object.

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  • #16
    Done... and a small bug fixed too.
    Maxscript made easy....
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    • #17
      Just closed the script and then realised it'd be really cool if you could tell it which objects to exclude in this interface, then I thought hang on you've probably already got them set up in the Vray Material Override Include/Exclude list, so I've put the ability to borrow them from there too. So that's in as well now!
      Maxscript made easy....
      Follow me here:

      If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dave_Wortley View Post
        Just closed the script and then realised it'd be really cool if you could tell it which objects to exclude in this interface, then I thought hang on you've probably already got them set up in the Vray Material Override Include/Exclude list, so I've put the ability to borrow them from there too. So that's in as well now!
        Amazing, but something broke, I get an error now:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	16.4 KB
ID:	856252

        edit: Nevermind; all the " " needed to be replaced.

        Here ya go.

        --Written by Dave Wortley
        --MaxScript Made Easy
        --This Script Converts your materials on all your objects to be in a Shell Material which allows you to store a chalk setup, and switch from your normal render setup to chalk rendering excluding Vray Light Materials and any Vray material which is refractive.
        try(destroyDialog RL_ChalkMatSwitcher)catch()
        rollout RL_ChalkMatSwitcher "Chalk Mat Switcher" width:200
        label lbl_a "Get Chalk Material from" align:#left
        spinner spn_ID “Material Editor Slot:” type:#integer range:[1,24,1] tooltip:”Pick Material Slot to get Chalk Material from, this is the CME, or the Sample Slots palette in the Slate Editor”
        label lbl_b “Options:” align:#left
        checkbox chk_VrayLightMtl “Exclude VRayLightMtl” checked:true tooltip:”Exclude VrayLightMtl”
        checkbox chk_RefractiveMaterials “Keep Refractive VrayMtls” checked:true tooltip:”Exclude any material who’s refraction colour is not black”
        checkbox chk_monoChromeRefractions “Monochrome Refractions” tooltip:”Desaturates any colour in refraction” checked:true
        checkbox chk_preserveBump “Preserve Bump/Displace Maps” tooltip:”Preserves Bump/Displace Maps on VRayMtls” checked:true
        checkbox chk_preserveOpacities “Preserve Opacities” tooltip:”Preserves Opacity Maps in Materials” checked:true
        checkbox chk_getExcludefromVray “Get Object Excludes from VRay” tooltip:”If you have objects in the include/exclude dialog for material override exclusion this will pick them up as well.”
        checkbox chk_ignoreName “Ignore with Material Name:” align:#left tooltip:”Allows you to ignore materials based on name, using wildcards as well, so ‘*Glass*’ will exclude all the materials with the word glass in them. (not Case Sensitive)”
        edittext edt_ignoreName “” text:”*glass*”
        button btn_createChalkSetup “Create Chalk Setup” width:170 tooltip:”Create Chalk Setup”
        button btn_goChalk “Go Chalk” across:2 width:80 tooltip:”Change Materials to Chalk, Hold SHIFT to only affect selected objects”
        button btn_goMaterial “Go Material” width:80 tooltip:”Change Materials to original, Hold SHIFT to only affect selected objects”
        button btn_removeChalkSetup “Remove Chalk Setup” width:170 tooltip:”Remove Chalk Setup”
        local ChalkMap
        fn preserveBump matA matB =
        if chk_preserveBump.checked or chk_preserveOpacities.checked then
        theMat = copy matB
        if chk_preserveBump.checked do
        theMat.texmap_bump = matA.texmap_bump
        theMat.texmap_bump_on = matA.texmap_bump_on
        theMat.texmap_bump_multiplier = matA.texmap_bump_multiplier
        theMat.texmap_displacement = matA.texmap_displacement
        theMat.texmap_displacement_on = matA.texmap_displacement_on
        theMat.texmap_displacement_multiplier = matA.texmap_displacement_multiplier
        if chk_preserveOpacities.checked do
        theMat.texmap_opacity = matA.texmap_opacity
        theMat.texmap_opacity_on = matA.texmap_opacity_on
        theMat.texmap_opacity_multiplier = matA.texmap_opacity_multiplier
        fn chalkTheMat subMat =
        If subMat != undefined and chk_ignoreName.checked and matchpattern pattern:edt_ignoreName.text then
        Case (classof submat) of
        VrayLightMtl: (
        if chk_VraylightMtl.checked then
        VrayMtl: (
        if chk_RefractiveMaterials.checked then
        if submat.refraction != (color 0 0 0) then
        if chk_monoChromeRefractions.checked do
        local c = subMat.refraction
        c.saturation = 0
        submat.refraction = c
        c = subMat.refraction_fogColor
        c.saturation = 0
        submat.refraction_fogColor = c
        c = subMat.refraction_exitColor
        c.saturation = 0
        submat.refraction_exitColor = c
        c = subMat.diffuse
        c.saturation = 0
        submat.diffuse = c
        c = subMat.reflection
        c.saturation = 0
        submat.reflection = c
        if submat.texmap_diffuse_on and submat.texmap_diffuse != undefined do
        local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_diffuse
        submat.texmap_diffuse = cc
        if submat.texmap_reflection_on and submat.texmap_reflection != undefined do
        local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_reflection
        submat.texmap_reflection = cc
        if submat.texmap_refraction_on and submat.texmap_refraction != undefined do
        local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_refraction
        submat.texmap_refraction = cc
        if submat.texmap_refraction_fog_on and submat.texmap_refraction_fog != undefined do
        local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_refraction_fog
        submat.texmap_refraction_fog = cc
        preserveBump Submat Submat
        preserveBump subMat ChalkMat
        preserveBump subtMat ChalkMat
        VRayBumpMtl: (
        if not chk_preserveBump.checked then
        submat.bump_amount = 0
        submat.base_mtl = ChalkTheMat subMat.base_Mtl
        UndefinedClass: (
        Default: (
        if (getNumSubMtls submat) != 0 then
        for i = 1 to (getNumSubMtls submat) do
        setSubMtl subMat i (ChalkTheMat (getSubMtl subMat i))
        on btn_createChalkSetup pressed do
        for o in objects where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_Material do
        o.material = o.material.originalMaterial
        ChalkMat = meditmaterials[spn_ID.value]
        theObjs = #()
        if chk_getExcludefromVRay.checked then
        if renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl != undefined and renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl.count != 0 do
        theobjs = renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl
        if renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl != undefined and renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl.count != 0 do
        theobjs = for o in objects where (finditem renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl o) == 0 collect o
        for o in objects do append theObjs o
        for o in theObjs do
        if o.material != undefined and classof o.material != Shell_Material do
        theMat = Shell_Material name:( + “_Wrapper”)
        theMat.originalMaterial = o.material
        tempMat = copy o.material
        tempMat = chalkTheMat tempMat
        themat.bakedMaterial = tempMat
        themat.viewportMtlIndex = 1
        themat.rendermtlIndex = 1
        o.material = theMat
        on btn_goChalk pressed do
        if keyboard.shiftPressed then
        for o in selection where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_material do
        o.material.viewportMtlIndex = 1
        o.material.renderMtlIndex = 1
        for o in getclassinstances Shell_material do
        o.viewportMtlIndex = 1
        o.renderMtlIndex = 1
        on btn_goMaterial pressed do
        if keyboard.shiftPressed then
        for o in selection where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_material do
        o.material.viewportMtlIndex = 0
        o.material.renderMtlIndex = 0
        for o in getclassinstances Shell_material do
        o.viewportMtlIndex = 0
        o.renderMtlIndex = 0
        on btn_removeChalkSetup pressed do
        for o in objects where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_Material do
        o.material = o.material.originalMaterial
        CreateDialog RL_ChalkMatSwitcher
        Last edited by Vizioen; 05-06-2015, 01:22 PM.



        • #19
          edit 2 (can't seem to edit without losing my entire post weird):

          there's still something wrong with the script (or with me); I can't seem to able to get it to work. If opacity or bump are switched on I get this error (or the opacity version of this):

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	14.7 KB
ID:	856253

          Even if there's a map in the scene with for instance a vrayhdri map in the opacity slot. So it's not like I'm getting the error because those sort of mats don't exist.

          Even with these 2 disabled if I try to render the chalk setup, everything is black except the lights, I can succesfully remove it though, but doesn't want to render the chalk setup.



          • #20
            Click image for larger version

Name:	chalk_switcher_error.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	17.3 KB
ID:	856256thanks, seems to me more difficult than it sounds!
            Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
            edit 2 (can't seem to edit without losing my entire post weird):

            there's still something wrong with the script (or with me); I can't seem to able to get it to work. If opacity or bump are switched on I get this error (or the opacity version of this):


            Even if there's a map in the scene with for instance a vrayhdri map in the opacity slot. So it's not like I'm getting the error because those sort of mats don't exist.

            Even with these 2 disabled if I try to render the chalk setup, everything is black except the lights, I can succesfully remove it though, but doesn't want to render the chalk setup.


            • #21
              Hi Guys, sorry there seems to have been strange on my blog where the characters for quotation marks have been swapped for different ones, and the other issue was because I didn't scope-checked the script (where you restart max to make sure you didn't have any variables defined in global space that shouldn't have been).

              I've fixed it now, just a small typo annoyingly, but working now!

              Here's the code, this forum doesn't seem to mess it up.

              --Dave Wortley - 2015
              --Maxscript Made Easy
              --Switch your scene to render chalks keeping your refractive materials and Light Materials, and you can preserve opacity, displace and bump maps.
              --(that clever bit doesn't currently work on VRayBlendMtls)
              --It shouldn't break your scene but if it does, then usual damage limitations apply.--(save incrementally if in doubt)
              try(destroyDialog RL_ChalkMatSwitcher)catch()
              rollout RL_ChalkMatSwitcher "Chalk Mat Switcher" width:200
              	label lbl_a "Get Chalk Material from" align:#left
              	spinner spn_ID "Material Editor Slot:" type:#integer range:[1,24,1] tooltip:"Pick Material Slot to get Chalk Material from, this is the CME, or the Sample Slots palette in the Slate Editor"
              	label lbl_b "Options:" align:#left
              	checkbox chk_VrayLightMtl "Exclude VRayLightMtl" checked:true tooltip:"Exclude VrayLightMtl"
              	checkbox chk_RefractiveMaterials "Keep Refractive VrayMtls" checked:true tooltip:"Exclude any material who's refraction colour is not black"
              	checkbox chk_monoChromeRefractions "Monochrome Refractions" tooltip:"Desaturates any colour in refraction" checked:true
              	checkbox chk_preserveBump "Preserve Bump/Displace Maps" tooltip:"Preserves Bump/Displace Maps on VRayMtls" checked:true
              	checkbox chk_preserveOpacities "Preserve Opacities" tooltip:"Preserves Opacity Maps in Materials" checked:true
              	checkbox chk_getExcludefromVray "Get Object Excludes from VRay" tooltip:"If you have objects in the include/exclude dialog for material override exclusion this will pick them up as well."
              	checkbox chk_ignoreName "Ignore with Material Name:" align:#left tooltip:"Allows you to ignore materials based on name, using wildcards as well, so '*Glass*' will exclude all the materials with the word glass in them. (not Case Sensitive)"
              	edittext edt_ignoreName "" text:"*glass*"
              	button btn_createChalkSetup "Create Chalk Setup" width:170 tooltip:"Create Chalk Setup"
              	button btn_goChalk "Go Chalk" across:2 width:80 tooltip:"Change Materials to Chalk, Hold SHIFT to only affect selected objects"
              	button btn_goMaterial "Go Material" width:80 tooltip:"Change Materials to original, Hold SHIFT to only affect selected objects"
              	button btn_removeChalkSetup "Remove Chalk Setup" width:170 tooltip:"Remove Chalk Setup"
              	local ChalkMat
              	fn preserveBump matA matB =
              		if chk_preserveBump.checked or chk_preserveOpacities.checked then
              			theMat = copy matB
              			if chk_preserveBump.checked do
              				theMat.texmap_bump = matA.texmap_bump
              				theMat.texmap_bump_on = matA.texmap_bump_on
              				theMat.texmap_bump_multiplier = matA.texmap_bump_multiplier
              				theMat.texmap_displacement = matA.texmap_displacement
              				theMat.texmap_displacement_on = matA.texmap_displacement_on
              				theMat.texmap_displacement_multiplier = matA.texmap_displacement_multiplier
              			if chk_preserveOpacities.checked do
              				theMat.texmap_opacity = matA.texmap_opacity
              				theMat.texmap_opacity_on = matA.texmap_opacity_on
              				theMat.texmap_opacity_multiplier = matA.texmap_opacity_multiplier
              	fn chalkTheMat subMat =
              		If subMat != undefined and chk_ignoreName.checked and matchpattern pattern:edt_ignoreName.text then
              			Case (classof submat) of
              				VrayLightMtl: (
              					if chk_VraylightMtl.checked then
              				VrayMtl: (
              					if chk_RefractiveMaterials.checked then
              						if submat.refraction != (color 0 0 0) then
              							if chk_monoChromeRefractions.checked do 
              								local c = subMat.refraction
              								c.saturation = 0
              								submat.refraction = c
              								c = subMat.refraction_fogColor
              								c.saturation = 0
              								submat.refraction_fogColor = c
              								c = subMat.refraction_exitColor
              								c.saturation = 0 
              								submat.refraction_exitColor = c
              								c = subMat.diffuse
              								c.saturation = 0
              								submat.diffuse = c
              								c = subMat.reflection
              								c.saturation = 0
              								submat.reflection = c
              								if submat.texmap_diffuse_on and submat.texmap_diffuse != undefined do
              									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_diffuse
              									submat.texmap_diffuse = cc
              								if submat.texmap_reflection_on and submat.texmap_reflection != undefined do
              									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_reflection
              									submat.texmap_reflection = cc
              								if submat.texmap_refraction_on and submat.texmap_refraction != undefined do
              									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_refraction
              									submat.texmap_refraction = cc
              								if submat.texmap_refraction_fog_on and submat.texmap_refraction_fog != undefined do
              									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_refraction_fog
              									submat.texmap_refraction_fog = cc
              							preserveBump Submat Submat
              							preserveBump subMat ChalkMat
              						preserveBump subMat ChalkMat
              				VRayBumpMtl: (
              					if not chk_preserveBump.checked then
              						submat.bump_amount = 0
              					submat.base_mtl = ChalkTheMat subMat.base_Mtl
              				UndefinedClass: (
              				Default: (
              					if (getNumSubMtls submat) != 0  then
              						for i = 1 to (getNumSubMtls submat) do
              							setSubMtl subMat i (ChalkTheMat (getSubMtl subMat i))
              	on btn_createChalkSetup pressed do
              		for o in objects where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_Material do
              			o.material = o.material.originalMaterial
              		ChalkMat = meditmaterials[spn_ID.value]
              		theObjs = #()
              		if chk_getExcludefromVRay.checked then
              			if renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl != undefined and renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl.count != 0 do
              				theobjs = renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl
              			if renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl != undefined and renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl.count != 0 do
              				theobjs = for o in objects where (finditem renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl o) == 0 collect o
              			for o in objects do append theObjs o
              		for o in theObjs do
              			if o.material != undefined and classof o.material != Shell_Material do
              				theMat = Shell_Material name:( + "_Wrapper")
              				theMat.originalMaterial = o.material
              				tempMat = copy o.material
              				tempMat = chalkTheMat tempMat
              				themat.bakedMaterial = tempMat
              				themat.viewportMtlIndex = 1
              				themat.rendermtlIndex = 1
              				o.material = theMat
              	on btn_goChalk pressed do
              		if keyboard.shiftPressed then
              			for o in selection where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_material do
              				o.material.viewportMtlIndex = 1
              				o.material.renderMtlIndex = 1
              			for o in getclassinstances Shell_material do 
              				o.viewportMtlIndex = 1
              				o.renderMtlIndex = 1
              	on btn_goMaterial pressed do
              		if keyboard.shiftPressed then
              			for o in selection where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_material do
              				o.material.viewportMtlIndex = 0
              				o.material.renderMtlIndex = 0
              			for o in getclassinstances Shell_material do 
              				o.viewportMtlIndex = 0
              				o.renderMtlIndex = 0
              	on btn_removeChalkSetup pressed do
              		for o in objects where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_Material do
              			o.material = o.material.originalMaterial
              CreateDialog RL_ChalkMatSwitcher
              Maxscript made easy....
              Follow me here:

              If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Dave_Wortley View Post
                Hi Guys, sorry there seems to have been strange on my blog where the characters for quotation marks have been swapped for different ones, and the other issue was because I didn't scope-checked the script (where you restart max to make sure you didn't have any variables defined in global space that shouldn't have been).

                I've fixed it now, just a small typo annoyingly, but working now!

                Here's the code, this forum doesn't seem to mess it up.

                --Dave Wortley - 2015
                --Maxscript Made Easy
                --Switch your scene to render chalks keeping your refractive materials and Light Materials, and you can preserve opacity, displace and bump maps.
                --(that clever bit doesn't currently work on VRayBlendMtls)
                --It shouldn't break your scene but if it does, then usual damage limitations apply.--(save incrementally if in doubt)
                try(destroyDialog RL_ChalkMatSwitcher)catch()
                rollout RL_ChalkMatSwitcher "Chalk Mat Switcher" width:200
                	label lbl_a "Get Chalk Material from" align:#left
                	spinner spn_ID "Material Editor Slot:" type:#integer range:[1,24,1] tooltip:"Pick Material Slot to get Chalk Material from, this is the CME, or the Sample Slots palette in the Slate Editor"
                	label lbl_b "Options:" align:#left
                	checkbox chk_VrayLightMtl "Exclude VRayLightMtl" checked:true tooltip:"Exclude VrayLightMtl"
                	checkbox chk_RefractiveMaterials "Keep Refractive VrayMtls" checked:true tooltip:"Exclude any material who's refraction colour is not black"
                	checkbox chk_monoChromeRefractions "Monochrome Refractions" tooltip:"Desaturates any colour in refraction" checked:true
                	checkbox chk_preserveBump "Preserve Bump/Displace Maps" tooltip:"Preserves Bump/Displace Maps on VRayMtls" checked:true
                	checkbox chk_preserveOpacities "Preserve Opacities" tooltip:"Preserves Opacity Maps in Materials" checked:true
                	checkbox chk_getExcludefromVray "Get Object Excludes from VRay" tooltip:"If you have objects in the include/exclude dialog for material override exclusion this will pick them up as well."
                	checkbox chk_ignoreName "Ignore with Material Name:" align:#left tooltip:"Allows you to ignore materials based on name, using wildcards as well, so '*Glass*' will exclude all the materials with the word glass in them. (not Case Sensitive)"
                	edittext edt_ignoreName "" text:"*glass*"
                	button btn_createChalkSetup "Create Chalk Setup" width:170 tooltip:"Create Chalk Setup"
                	button btn_goChalk "Go Chalk" across:2 width:80 tooltip:"Change Materials to Chalk, Hold SHIFT to only affect selected objects"
                	button btn_goMaterial "Go Material" width:80 tooltip:"Change Materials to original, Hold SHIFT to only affect selected objects"
                	button btn_removeChalkSetup "Remove Chalk Setup" width:170 tooltip:"Remove Chalk Setup"
                	local ChalkMat
                	fn preserveBump matA matB =
                		if chk_preserveBump.checked or chk_preserveOpacities.checked then
                			theMat = copy matB
                			if chk_preserveBump.checked do
                				theMat.texmap_bump = matA.texmap_bump
                				theMat.texmap_bump_on = matA.texmap_bump_on
                				theMat.texmap_bump_multiplier = matA.texmap_bump_multiplier
                				theMat.texmap_displacement = matA.texmap_displacement
                				theMat.texmap_displacement_on = matA.texmap_displacement_on
                				theMat.texmap_displacement_multiplier = matA.texmap_displacement_multiplier
                			if chk_preserveOpacities.checked do
                				theMat.texmap_opacity = matA.texmap_opacity
                				theMat.texmap_opacity_on = matA.texmap_opacity_on
                				theMat.texmap_opacity_multiplier = matA.texmap_opacity_multiplier
                	fn chalkTheMat subMat =
                		If subMat != undefined and chk_ignoreName.checked and matchpattern pattern:edt_ignoreName.text then
                			Case (classof submat) of
                				VrayLightMtl: (
                					if chk_VraylightMtl.checked then
                				VrayMtl: (
                					if chk_RefractiveMaterials.checked then
                						if submat.refraction != (color 0 0 0) then
                							if chk_monoChromeRefractions.checked do 
                								local c = subMat.refraction
                								c.saturation = 0
                								submat.refraction = c
                								c = subMat.refraction_fogColor
                								c.saturation = 0
                								submat.refraction_fogColor = c
                								c = subMat.refraction_exitColor
                								c.saturation = 0 
                								submat.refraction_exitColor = c
                								c = subMat.diffuse
                								c.saturation = 0
                								submat.diffuse = c
                								c = subMat.reflection
                								c.saturation = 0
                								submat.reflection = c
                								if submat.texmap_diffuse_on and submat.texmap_diffuse != undefined do
                									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_diffuse
                									submat.texmap_diffuse = cc
                								if submat.texmap_reflection_on and submat.texmap_reflection != undefined do
                									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_reflection
                									submat.texmap_reflection = cc
                								if submat.texmap_refraction_on and submat.texmap_refraction != undefined do
                									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_refraction
                									submat.texmap_refraction = cc
                								if submat.texmap_refraction_fog_on and submat.texmap_refraction_fog != undefined do
                									local cc = color_Correction saturation:-100 map:submat.texmap_refraction_fog
                									submat.texmap_refraction_fog = cc
                							preserveBump Submat Submat
                							preserveBump subMat ChalkMat
                						preserveBump subMat ChalkMat
                				VRayBumpMtl: (
                					if not chk_preserveBump.checked then
                						submat.bump_amount = 0
                					submat.base_mtl = ChalkTheMat subMat.base_Mtl
                				UndefinedClass: (
                				Default: (
                					if (getNumSubMtls submat) != 0  then
                						for i = 1 to (getNumSubMtls submat) do
                							setSubMtl subMat i (ChalkTheMat (getSubMtl subMat i))
                	on btn_createChalkSetup pressed do
                		for o in objects where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_Material do
                			o.material = o.material.originalMaterial
                		ChalkMat = meditmaterials[spn_ID.value]
                		theObjs = #()
                		if chk_getExcludefromVRay.checked then
                			if renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl != undefined and renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl.count != 0 do
                				theobjs = renderers.current.includeListOverrideMtl
                			if renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl != undefined and renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl.count != 0 do
                				theobjs = for o in objects where (finditem renderers.current.excludeListOverrideMtl o) == 0 collect o
                			for o in objects do append theObjs o
                		for o in theObjs do
                			if o.material != undefined and classof o.material != Shell_Material do
                				theMat = Shell_Material name:( + "_Wrapper")
                				theMat.originalMaterial = o.material
                				tempMat = copy o.material
                				tempMat = chalkTheMat tempMat
                				themat.bakedMaterial = tempMat
                				themat.viewportMtlIndex = 1
                				themat.rendermtlIndex = 1
                				o.material = theMat
                	on btn_goChalk pressed do
                		if keyboard.shiftPressed then
                			for o in selection where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_material do
                				o.material.viewportMtlIndex = 1
                				o.material.renderMtlIndex = 1
                			for o in getclassinstances Shell_material do 
                				o.viewportMtlIndex = 1
                				o.renderMtlIndex = 1
                	on btn_goMaterial pressed do
                		if keyboard.shiftPressed then
                			for o in selection where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_material do
                				o.material.viewportMtlIndex = 0
                				o.material.renderMtlIndex = 0
                			for o in getclassinstances Shell_material do 
                				o.viewportMtlIndex = 0
                				o.renderMtlIndex = 0
                	on btn_removeChalkSetup pressed do
                		for o in objects where o.material != undefined and classof o.material == Shell_Material do
                			o.material = o.material.originalMaterial
                CreateDialog RL_ChalkMatSwitcher
                Works like a charm Dave; thank you. I've only tested it on a simple test scene now, will give feedback when using a complex scene.



                • #23
                  I can probably add some performance improvements to the script so let me know how it works on a complex scene at the expense of an undo record.

                  I'll add an option to get the material from the VRay Material Override slot too, and an option to just replace VRayBlendMtls with chalk materials as that'll help performance.
                  Maxscript made easy....
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                  • #24
                    Look forward to trying this out Dave. Thanks!
                    Alex York
                    Founder of Atelier York - Bespoke Architectural Visualisation


                    • #25
                      Available on ScriptSpot!

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                      • #26
                        Great; new problem. With get material override from render checked; I get this:

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	151.4 KB
ID:	856274



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
                          Great; new problem. With get material override from render checked; I get this:

                          This should be "options_overrideMtl_on" instead of "options_overrideMtl" AFAIK.
                          Nicolas Caplat


                          • #28
                            Sorry guys, I fixed that error and didn't save before I pressed upload!

                            Fixed now and just put another level of bug checking in as well.
                            Maxscript made easy....
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                            If you don't MaxScript, then have a look at my blog and learn how easy and powerful it can be.


                            • #29
                              Thanks a lot, Dave
                              Nicolas Caplat


                              • #30
                                Updated this script with a few new features.

                                Maxscript made easy....
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