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Marschner hair model and volumetric render mode

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  • Marschner hair model and volumetric render mode

    Does the V-Ray hair shader use the Marschner lighting model or something else? A while back I made a tutorial for rendering hair in Krakatoa because I found the results to be so good. The Marschner model is the primary profile that was used, which is basically just a diffuse, spec 1, spec 2, and glint. Very simple, but very effective. And being a volumetric renderer, Krakatoa renders a whole head of hair in just seconds.

    From my personal experiments I think volumetric rendering suits hair the best and I would love to see this feature in V-Ray. My dream would be that during a render V-Ray would recognize a specific flag (like the hair shader being connected to something, or a particle effect of some kind) and automatically switch to a volumetric mode to handle it. Or it would render things that have a volumetric flag in a separate pass. The hair from Krakatoa is the best I've ever seen, but it has its problems, the worst being that it doesn't render with HDRI lighting, and creating masks and shadows are not so straightforward. But mostly it's just such a huge pain to set up and to coordinate with the renderer that is handling the scene's geometry.

    I don't know if this wish is even possible and I might be talking about two completely different animals here. But I would love to see V-Ray have the ability to approach hair this way (without the issues that Krakatoa has) and get the amazing results that can be had with volumetric rendering.

  • #2
    V-Ray uses a somewhat simplified version of the Marschner shader proposed by Disney:

    Note that diffuse, spec 1 and spec 2 are generally not enough for realistic hair. You really need transmission. Also real hair, unless dirty or dyed, does not have a diffuse component.

    V-Ray generally treats hair shaders as volumetric shaders so I'm not entirely sure what you mean by treating it as a volume. There are some improvements coming to treat the hair in a more soft and fuzzy way in order to make it easier on the AA sampler, if that is what you mean.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

