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Automatically detect identical proxies and textures

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  • Automatically detect identical proxies and textures

    Hello. I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but I spent a few minutes digging-searching around with no success, so I decided to write this post.

    Is there currently any feature or plans to implement a feature that will look at vrayProxies and textures during pre-rendertime (calculation phase/whatever), and reclassifies duplicates as instances before the render starts. For example, let's say you have 5 identical cars in your scene, and 3 of those cars are instanced vrayProxy objects, and the other 2 are both unique vrayProxy objects. During render start time, 3 times the vrayProxies will be loaded into ram. Instead, it would be nice if Vray notices the identical paths for those vrayProxies and redefines the vrayProxies as instances so it only loads it once.

    Same principal for textures.

    Something like this would really help with ram management. Especially, when in some cases, you are referencing (through xRefs) scenes that contain the same objects/textures in different scenes, there's no way for us to access those objects are re-instance them manually. So it would be nice if Vray did it for us during rendering.

  • #2
    I think the newer versions of vray already do this, or are about to. vlado made a post about it recently.


    • #3
      Originally posted by asayan_encore View Post
      Instead, it would be nice if Vray notices the identical paths for those vrayProxies and redefines the vrayProxies as instances so it only loads it once.
      V-Ray already does that in recent versions for precisely the reasons you listed.

      Same principal for textures.
      And that too.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Just to check vlado, that does also work with maps and proxies stored in xrefs?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Neilg View Post
          Just to check vlado, that does also work with maps and proxies stored in xrefs?

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            Excellent. Thanks!

