here's my wishlist for a few changes that would make life a lot easier:
1, VrayMtl Reflect on back side on by default
Reflective GI caustics being enabled by default now shows V-Ray is trying to go in a direction of better accuracy by default. This would be another good step forward, as internal reflections make glass really pop. There are a few reasons some people still think V-Ray looks quite bland compared to some other renderers, and this default is one of those reasons.
2, GGX being the default BRDF
And this is the other piece of puzzle. I think most of the bland and plastic look some people complained about was caused by Blinn BRDF Vray used for years. It was really quite primitive and often impacted output quality in a quite negative way. GGX seems to be all around better BRDF so I don't think there's a reason for it not to be the default one.
3, Dome light defaulting to spherical (full dome)
This is probably the most annoying at the moment. Vast majority of environment maps are fully spherical, and vast majority of scenes, both interior and exterior ones will show quite a significant difference when illumination under the horizon is missing. It also greatly increases room for error, as the same environment map forgotten in environment slot may be sampled efficiently using Dome light above horizon, but inefficiently using GI under the horizon, which can cause a lot of problems.
Lastly, while this is not default-related, i think V-Ray would definitely benefit from some automatic IBL solution, that pretty much every other renderer now has. V-Ray is still by far the most difficult renderer to set up IBL in. Having Dome light preset on V-Ray toolbar has cut off a few step from set up process, but it's still a very complex one.
Not only do you have to make your way through all the different roll-outs to enable spherical mode, and then put texture in the different rollout, but if you put texture in there, it's not automatically set to spherical enviro mode, so you also have to then drag it into material editor, and change environment mode.
If you just slap a texture map into Max's native environment slot, it's automatically set to environment mode, and you are good to go.
Basically i would like something, that would just make map present in 3ds Max's environment slot behave as a dome light without having dome light object present in the scene and having to set it all up.
here's my wishlist for a few changes that would make life a lot easier:
1, VrayMtl Reflect on back side on by default
Reflective GI caustics being enabled by default now shows V-Ray is trying to go in a direction of better accuracy by default. This would be another good step forward, as internal reflections make glass really pop. There are a few reasons some people still think V-Ray looks quite bland compared to some other renderers, and this default is one of those reasons.
2, GGX being the default BRDF
And this is the other piece of puzzle. I think most of the bland and plastic look some people complained about was caused by Blinn BRDF Vray used for years. It was really quite primitive and often impacted output quality in a quite negative way. GGX seems to be all around better BRDF so I don't think there's a reason for it not to be the default one.
3, Dome light defaulting to spherical (full dome)
This is probably the most annoying at the moment. Vast majority of environment maps are fully spherical, and vast majority of scenes, both interior and exterior ones will show quite a significant difference when illumination under the horizon is missing. It also greatly increases room for error, as the same environment map forgotten in environment slot may be sampled efficiently using Dome light above horizon, but inefficiently using GI under the horizon, which can cause a lot of problems.
Lastly, while this is not default-related, i think V-Ray would definitely benefit from some automatic IBL solution, that pretty much every other renderer now has. V-Ray is still by far the most difficult renderer to set up IBL in. Having Dome light preset on V-Ray toolbar has cut off a few step from set up process, but it's still a very complex one.
Not only do you have to make your way through all the different roll-outs to enable spherical mode, and then put texture in the different rollout, but if you put texture in there, it's not automatically set to spherical enviro mode, so you also have to then drag it into material editor, and change environment mode.
If you just slap a texture map into Max's native environment slot, it's automatically set to environment mode, and you are good to go.
Basically i would like something, that would just make map present in 3ds Max's environment slot behave as a dome light without having dome light object present in the scene and having to set it all up.