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  • vrayenvironmentfog

    do we max user also get the maya options from the environment fog?
    Light Mode - this option allows you to specify which lights will be considered when rendering the environment fog. It is used when you have certain lights affecting just specific objects in the scene while another group of lights is affecting the environment fog.
    • [*=left]No lights - the lights in the scene will not affect the environment fog.
      [*=left]Use shape lights(default) - the lights attached to the environment fog set will be ignored. Only the lights affecting the shape where the fog resides, will be used.
      [*=left]Override shape lights - only the lights affecting the environment fog set will be considered.
      [*=left]Intersect with shape lights - only lights that are affecting both the shape and the environment fog set will be considered.
      [*=left]Add to shape lights - both lights that are affecting the shape and the environment fog set will be considered.

    lor - index of refraction for the volume, which describes the way light bends when crossing the material surface. A value of 1.0 means the light will not change direction.

    I think these would be very handy.
    in my opinion the balance between affecting the fog with light is not real. we have a lot of fog here at the moment, and it seems that light is affecting the fog a lot more than the fog density is in reality. it's a bit complicated to explain, sorry for that.
    in other words I can see much further, but the lights are affecting the fog still a lot. I think some "light multiplier" would be handy.

    thanks and best regards

    Pixelschmiede GmbH

  • #2
    You have the list of lights that affect the fog in 3ds Max as well.

    The fog is physically accurate and the way light affects the fog is correct.

    From then on, I do realize that "correct" is not always what's needed and a light multiplier is on the "to do" list.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      thanks vlado for reply. ok, then I accept your explanation as correct.
      and it's great to get a multiplier in the future...

      best regards
      Pixelschmiede GmbH


      • #4
        When we are at requesting new stuff for environment fog, could we also get simple phase function to control direction of scattering? (helps with clouds, godrays and stuff)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Recon442 View Post
          When we are at requesting new stuff for environment fog, could we also get simple phase function to control direction of scattering? (helps with clouds, godrays and stuff)
          Yes, it's been on the "to do" list for a while, just have to find time to get to it... That and colored absorption.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

