Hi there,
at my new job, they are using Arnold and I'm impressed with the Alsurface shader, I was able to play with it and it's MUCH better then in Vray..sorry.
Here are some doc about it :http://www.anderslanglands.com/alshaders/alSurface.html https://leegriggs.files.wordpress.co.../alsurface.pdf
Can we get something VERY similar ( if not exactly the same
) in Vray ? You need to play with it guy's at chaos group, you'll see what I mean.. just compare it to the sss2 and you'll see..
I also like a lot the fact that you can choose between ( now ) 4 differents types of scattering, I really like the Directional one and the latest they added is nice too depending on the reaserched look. Also I like that the sss layers don't affect the overall color ,etc. The skin feel more translucent then in Vray , in Vray it look's way too opaque .. The standard arnold skin shader suck.. really bad.. ALsurface saved arnold.. no wonder why so many peoples use it,.. remove alsurface and.. we would not use it at work lol.
I think right now the biggest advantage arnold has over vray is that shader.. other then that.. Arnold is really slow to render interior.. where vray is much faster.. they would maybe use Vray if it had the same skin capability's.. it's important when you do characters to have the best skin around so.. for now it's alsurface that does it.
Let me know guy's
at my new job, they are using Arnold and I'm impressed with the Alsurface shader, I was able to play with it and it's MUCH better then in Vray..sorry.
Here are some doc about it :http://www.anderslanglands.com/alshaders/alSurface.html https://leegriggs.files.wordpress.co.../alsurface.pdf
Can we get something VERY similar ( if not exactly the same

I also like a lot the fact that you can choose between ( now ) 4 differents types of scattering, I really like the Directional one and the latest they added is nice too depending on the reaserched look. Also I like that the sss layers don't affect the overall color ,etc. The skin feel more translucent then in Vray , in Vray it look's way too opaque .. The standard arnold skin shader suck.. really bad.. ALsurface saved arnold.. no wonder why so many peoples use it,.. remove alsurface and.. we would not use it at work lol.
I think right now the biggest advantage arnold has over vray is that shader.. other then that.. Arnold is really slow to render interior.. where vray is much faster.. they would maybe use Vray if it had the same skin capability's.. it's important when you do characters to have the best skin around so.. for now it's alsurface that does it.
Let me know guy's