so I recently started to dig deeper into how LensFX works, and finally started to get some good results with it, but there's quite a few obstacles a new user has to overcome to even start getting some good output out of it. Luckily most of them can be resolved with a changes of a few defaults and a few minor changes of behavior.
I wanted to make a new thread about it, and while I was writing it all down, I noticed that one of the issues with LensFX is that it looks quite uninviting, and the outdated UI adds so much visual complexity to the LensFX panel it actually makes this feature appear a bit more complex than it is. Pressing LensFX button results into opening a nest of clunky looking windows 95 styled UI controls that can quickly confuse eye and maybe even scare some people away.
So here is a mockup of a few (hopefully not difficult) changes that would make not only LensFX, but entire VFB a bit more visually comfortable:

and here is screenshot of the old one for reference:

I know we are supposed to get a completely new VFB, but that probably won't be sooner than in a year, so these few, hopefully resource-inexpensive adjustments would probably be worth the time:
1, Use the new panel system and slider UI element created for the post processing panel in LensFX panel as well. (This could perhaps help with some of the LensFX UI bugs that are still present and probably hard to catch, such as unreliable updates, cursor getting stuck in click state, etc...)
2, Reskin checkboxes, dropdown buttons and spinner boxes to match dark theme. These should be hopefully easy to do in wxWidges/QT or what ever VFB uses.
3, Reskin scrollbar to match dark theme. This one could probably be a bit more difficult I am afraid.
4, Make sure spinner box/button/text field heights are not random but consistent across entire VFB UI.
That's it really.
so I recently started to dig deeper into how LensFX works, and finally started to get some good results with it, but there's quite a few obstacles a new user has to overcome to even start getting some good output out of it. Luckily most of them can be resolved with a changes of a few defaults and a few minor changes of behavior.
I wanted to make a new thread about it, and while I was writing it all down, I noticed that one of the issues with LensFX is that it looks quite uninviting, and the outdated UI adds so much visual complexity to the LensFX panel it actually makes this feature appear a bit more complex than it is. Pressing LensFX button results into opening a nest of clunky looking windows 95 styled UI controls that can quickly confuse eye and maybe even scare some people away.
So here is a mockup of a few (hopefully not difficult) changes that would make not only LensFX, but entire VFB a bit more visually comfortable:
and here is screenshot of the old one for reference:
I know we are supposed to get a completely new VFB, but that probably won't be sooner than in a year, so these few, hopefully resource-inexpensive adjustments would probably be worth the time:
1, Use the new panel system and slider UI element created for the post processing panel in LensFX panel as well. (This could perhaps help with some of the LensFX UI bugs that are still present and probably hard to catch, such as unreliable updates, cursor getting stuck in click state, etc...)
2, Reskin checkboxes, dropdown buttons and spinner boxes to match dark theme. These should be hopefully easy to do in wxWidges/QT or what ever VFB uses.
3, Reskin scrollbar to match dark theme. This one could probably be a bit more difficult I am afraid.
4, Make sure spinner box/button/text field heights are not random but consistent across entire VFB UI.
That's it really.
