Hi all
Just posted similar in problems but then realised it's probably a wish list really. No one really uses beauty passes in production. At least not where I have worked for the last 10 years. It's all about rendering out passes and putting together in comp. However, If I have a single element, say a material select or a reflection pass, that I need to reduce noise in, I have to up samples for everything. This has been made much worse by the new vray global sample settings.
Thinking about it, its seems quite an old school logic to really be worrying about noise levels in beauty passes now considering I haven't used one for so long. Hopefully, this is something that could be implemented. Maybe a noise override option or a multiplier setting.
I feel this was also my biggest letdown with the vray denoise element. Its great, I would use it, but I don't use beauty passes so its all but useless! I'm sure most of the community would back me up with how Vray is being used.
Don't worry about the beauty pass, worry about the elements we actually take into post
Just posted similar in problems but then realised it's probably a wish list really. No one really uses beauty passes in production. At least not where I have worked for the last 10 years. It's all about rendering out passes and putting together in comp. However, If I have a single element, say a material select or a reflection pass, that I need to reduce noise in, I have to up samples for everything. This has been made much worse by the new vray global sample settings.
Thinking about it, its seems quite an old school logic to really be worrying about noise levels in beauty passes now considering I haven't used one for so long. Hopefully, this is something that could be implemented. Maybe a noise override option or a multiplier setting.
I feel this was also my biggest letdown with the vray denoise element. Its great, I would use it, but I don't use beauty passes so its all but useless! I'm sure most of the community would back me up with how Vray is being used.
Don't worry about the beauty pass, worry about the elements we actually take into post
