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3.5 IPR improvements

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  • 3.5 IPR improvements


    here's my list of thing's I would like to see improved in 3.5 IPR mode:

    1, This is probably the most important one - being able to run IPR inside of a viewport. 3ds Max UI is a bit clumsy, so it doesn't allow to dock things around much, and if you have VFB floating over your Max window, you constantly struggle for space. I can not even make viewport layout, and precisely put IPR VFB inside of one of empty viewports, because:

    A, IPR size does not scale with window size, and...

    B, VFB size is reset on every render.

    Even if I was able to do that, I would still be wasting a lot of space having window header, and top and bottom VFB bar in there.

    2, Light Cache - Running IPR in any kind of interior is so slow the IPR stops being interactive at all. It's equivalent of hitting F9 key manually each time. AFAIK Corona has worked around it by postponing secondary calculation to be parallel with first past, and reducing secondary GI accuracy to about 25% of the production render value. If you won't manage to do that, it would be at least good to give us option to override secondary GI for IPR only to brute force

    3, Performance - I am running Max 2017 which should be bit better for interactive rendering, but despite V-Ray progressive having subsampling, update rate is around 0.5FPS. This could be improved to reach at least V-Ray RT CPU level.

    4, When IPR runs, window size should define resolution of the IPR. Some people may not want that, so in the end there could end up being yet another switch, but in general it's better solution for vast majority of cases. If I have my production output set to 1920*1080, I definitely don't want to run IPR at that resolution, because it would completely kill the interactive feedback. Instead, I want to run it at something like 640*360, but constantly changing resolution setting between IPR and production resolution can get old really fast


  • #2
    Yep, all duly noted. Thanks for the pointers!

    About #4, I have a question though: should we keep the aspect ratio of the rendering resolution, or just fill the window?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Originally posted by vlado View Post
      Yep, all duly noted. Thanks for the pointers!

      About #4, I have a question though: should we keep the aspect ratio of the rendering resolution, or just fill the window?

      Best regards,
      I would definitely keep the aspect ratio with black stripes to fill out the rest of VFB. Corona did not have retention of aspect ratio in IR for a while and people mostly complained, as one of the main purposes of IPR is also setting up of the composition, so having a correct frame is quite important


      • #4
        1+ for keeping the ratio!

        Don't want to start fiddling with things I dont see in the final render.

        Or, maby put some kind of a frame onto the image which shows where the actual render area is?
        German guy, sorry for my English.


        • #5
          Keep the ratio, but maybe provide a button in the VFB to stop the VFB from scaling with the window because I like my window fullscreen sometimes but not the render.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
            Keep the ratio, but maybe provide a button in the VFB to stop the VFB from scaling with the window because I like my window fullscreen sometimes but not the render.
            For this case and for high-DPI monitors it probably makes sense to render the IPR at a lower resolution and just up-scale the render.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7

              Would it be possible to IPR with Distributed Rendering in the future?
              This feature would be nice.

              Best Regards


              • #8
                Originally posted by ulfmir View Post
                Would it be possible to IPR with Distributed Rendering in the future?
                Unfortunately no. You will have to use V-Ray RT for that.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  About the resolution/ratio of IPR. Right now when I render an image at a certain resolution say 2000x1000. And I change my resolution to 1000x500 and start IPR. IPR still uses the 2000x1000 resolution.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
                    About the resolution/ratio of IPR. Right now when I render an image at a certain resolution say 2000x1000. And I change my resolution to 1000x500 and start IPR. IPR still uses the 2000x1000 resolution.
                    Good catch, thanks for the pointer!

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      Don't know if it should work with the beta 1 but it triggers a refresh so:
                      If I copy or mirror an object during IPR with MTL override on, the new object ignores the override and renders with its own material till I restart the rendering.

                      I'm on Max 2017.1
                      German guy, sorry for my English.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ihno View Post
                        Don't know if it should work with the beta 1 but it triggers a refresh so:
                        If I copy or mirror an object during IPR with MTL override on, the new object ignores the override and renders with its own material till I restart the rendering.

                        I'm on Max 2017.1
                        Thanks for the feedback, will add it into the bug-tracking system.
                        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                        • #13

                          just bumping this, as none of these seem to be addressed in Beta 2. It seems that BF+LC has now better update rate, but BF+BF has still very slow update rate (0.5-1FPS) despite having subsampling.

                          Also one more thing I noticed: Some render settings do not update even when refresh button is clicked. I have to actually stop the rendering, and start IPR over for those changes to take an effect.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Recon442 View Post
                            as none of these seem to be addressed in Beta 2
                            Nope, unfortunately they are not.

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #15
                              good job chaos group!
                              but right now ipr feel not right for my interior work

                              i know its new thing in vray so i dont know if it will be change soon but it will be awesome to get the Flexibility and Speed like corona IPR!

                              good luck developers.. you are great

