You know what would hurtle vray ahead of the competition? Live PSD/PSB files. For the most part we all do post in photoshop for stills, and the render can look drasticallly different at the end of it. What if, instead of having to re-render and update your file, the VFB could create or load a PSD and link the different layers to different render elements (note to devs: you can save per document and per layer xmp metadata)? You could re-order layers, change opacity, blending modes and adjustment layers and have a live preview of the end result right in the VFB. Anything vray doesn't support, like painting and filters are disabled or support added over time.
No more bouncing between vray and photoshop with a lag time of 10-20mins to see the end result sounds good to me
No more bouncing between vray and photoshop with a lag time of 10-20mins to see the end result sounds good to me
