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Product Idea: VRay Render Engine for Mari (What do you think?)

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  • Product Idea: VRay Render Engine for Mari (What do you think?)

    Hi, hope you are all going well.

    I just had yet another idea that I wanted to open to get your feedback.

    - What do you think of the idea that a V-Ray can be used inside of Mari to visualise with 100% accuracy the texture + Shader network?
    - Is this a helpful idea?, would it be a really significant advancement for texture/shader artists?
    - I have used both Mari and Substance Painter and I love SP because you can see very fast what the shader looks like.....Maybe if Vray was embedded in Mari with a view-port then it could have a similar effect?

    Steve ~

  • #2
    It's possible, certainly, depending on how open the Mari API is and whether it allows such level of integration of a 3rd party tool (I haven't looked at all to be honest, so I don't know).

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      +1 for this. I like the idea of Substance Painter but the shaders don't quite have all the features of a VrayMtl yet (things like GGX falloff). Being able to render in Mari would be a great time saver, especially if we could then export everything out as a VrayMtl at the click of a button!
      David Weaver

      Senior "Belief Crafter"
      Realtime UK


      • #4
        Thank you Vlado.

        I may bring this topic up over at the foundry.


        • #5
          I started a topic over at The Foundry > MARI Forums > MARI > MARI Development and a person named FuBaRlicious said that "You could embed the vray viewer in Mari and possibly write a shader to closely match it, but this is all work for people to do outside the foundry."

          So maybe if enough people ask for this then it could be something Chaos Group could develop?

          I know that I personally would love this so much. Material Look Development happens when you combine the Textures with the Shading Model and view it with Lights. Mari look dev is an approximation of the V-Ray.

          I would like the following Material support for V-Ray for Mari: VRayALSurfaceMtl, VRayMtl, VRayBlend, VRayBump so that I may compose and Develop my materials.

          This is what is missing in Mari, I wish to be able to see an accurate or even perfect representation of my Texture + Shading Model with IPR viewport.

          Basically, Mari users wish to enjoy the same experience a game texture artist has with Substance Painter but with Mari and V-Ray.

          I know Chaos Group is so busy but I hope this can become a sticky note for future consideration.

