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VolumeGrid shading in the material editor

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  • VolumeGrid shading in the material editor

    Hi guys,

    It would be really great if we could build volume shaders in the material editor. The current interface is very limited, especially for VFX use. What if we had a collection of nodes:
    - field input node that reads field channels from the object the material is applied to, and outputs the selected field channel
    - field operation nodes that do math operations, remap values, do texture and geometry lookups, etc. I can post a complete list if necessary
    - Field output node that sends an input to a VolumeGrid's shader parameters that control the shader parameters.

    This would open up an incredible amount of options. Imagine you want to make the slower smoke thicker - you can read the velocity channel, remap it to a gradient, send to smoke opacity. Or you want the fire brighter around an object - read the temperature channel, remap it to a gradient, do a geometry lookup, another gradient, add to the temperature and send to the emissive component output. Or use an advected vector channel to lookup color from a texture, so you can introduce more variation in the smoke color. Or make the smoke less dense as it goes up in altitude. All these are things that we need in our daily work. Please give it a thought

    Last edited by glacierise; 17-02-2017, 10:38 AM.
    Hristo Velev
    MD/FX Lead, Bottleship VFX
    Sofia, Bulgaria

  • #2
    Yes please! We really need a way to access and manage channels coming from various sims/applications and drive actual shader with them. Volumegrid is fine for loading/adjusting incoming data. But for shading we need a shader -

    Peter Sanitra - -


    • #3
      Affirmative, I'm looking forward as well to adding those, but it will be a matter of more time until we prepare the ground for it
      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

