often I need to render a lot of images with medium render times. I use use the time of a few minutes to leave my computer and do other things. It would be great if at the frame buffer a sound alert could be quick&easy enabled. So, I could be in garden and could hear through the open window, if the rendering is finish. Like baking meal in the oven.
Nice little addition could be if the user could choose a custom mp3/wav.
I'm using Vray of Rhino, but the frame buffer of 3dsmax is the same, so I ask here.
often I need to render a lot of images with medium render times. I use use the time of a few minutes to leave my computer and do other things. It would be great if at the frame buffer a sound alert could be quick&easy enabled. So, I could be in garden and could hear through the open window, if the rendering is finish. Like baking meal in the oven.

Nice little addition could be if the user could choose a custom mp3/wav.
I'm using Vray of Rhino, but the frame buffer of 3dsmax is the same, so I ask here.