Hi all,
I thought that Vray RT was rock solid in this version. I waited several years before upgrade.
I don't understand why Vray RT and Vray legacy continue to be two separated programs.
Why don't you fuse them?
It's very confusing to see parameters replicated in both versions that don't work with gpus.
If I use gpus (CUDA) for example and I activate IM+LC...the Irradiance map will be ignored. It's useless to enable functions not available, they have to be greyed.
I don't understand why distributed render doesn't work with IPR. On Octane worked perfectly 3 years ago.
When using BF+LC and hitting the Max render button I see under the Vray frame buffer the elapsed and estimated time running, it should be visible in the Max Rendering window above the green bar. When the Light cache is computed and passed to the gpus the elapsed and estimated time disappear and I see only the message "Rendering"....Why? I need to see the elapsed/estimated render time in all combinations.
Using BF+BF the elapsed/estimated render time is correctly positioned above the green progress bar.
The IPR resolution parameters are missing in the RT version. I don't want to have dynamic resize, I need to respect the Max resolution size or to have this feature as an option in the framebuffer tool bar. I want to use the IPR as productive rendering window, finished the render, after several realtime modifications, I will save the image.
3 years ago, when RT was out I asked for dispersion...Why it doesn't work?
Translucency doesn't work with gpu. Simple SSS works but the specular parameter has a very low effect on sss surfaces. Blending two materials is not always a good idea.
All the gpu statistics must be switched on/off from a button in the IPR menu bar and not in the Render Setup window.
If you close the IPR window the render have to be switched off. The cool feature would have been that closing and re-opening the IPR window the engine continued to render in the background, unfortunately now it restarts automatically if you close-open it.
There are some switches that switch from Default to Advanced mode that restart the render...why?
The IPR needs a pause and a refresh button.
Zooming whit scroll mouse wheel causes a render restarts...why? It happens only on first scroll wheel action, after the first rendering refresh (restart) the mouse wheel doesn't restart the render anymore.
The IPR window needs a zoom fit (raster image) after a zoom. Double click it's an hidden feature.
The IPR window needs a 1:1 zoom button.
The IPR needs a lock button to prevent modifications...like Default-Advanced button auto refresh issue or it could happen that you touch some parameter that restarts the render.
When switching from CUDA to CPU and you want to select again the CUDA option...you can't. You have to close the render panel (not the IPR) and open it again. Strange behavior...
Using the BF+LC the light cache starts to compute also the translucency wasting a lot of time because it's not available for gpus...THAT'S INCREDIBLE!
I thought that Vray RT was rock solid in this version. I waited several years before upgrade.
I don't understand why Vray RT and Vray legacy continue to be two separated programs.
Why don't you fuse them?
It's very confusing to see parameters replicated in both versions that don't work with gpus.
If I use gpus (CUDA) for example and I activate IM+LC...the Irradiance map will be ignored. It's useless to enable functions not available, they have to be greyed.
I don't understand why distributed render doesn't work with IPR. On Octane worked perfectly 3 years ago.
When using BF+LC and hitting the Max render button I see under the Vray frame buffer the elapsed and estimated time running, it should be visible in the Max Rendering window above the green bar. When the Light cache is computed and passed to the gpus the elapsed and estimated time disappear and I see only the message "Rendering"....Why? I need to see the elapsed/estimated render time in all combinations.
Using BF+BF the elapsed/estimated render time is correctly positioned above the green progress bar.
The IPR resolution parameters are missing in the RT version. I don't want to have dynamic resize, I need to respect the Max resolution size or to have this feature as an option in the framebuffer tool bar. I want to use the IPR as productive rendering window, finished the render, after several realtime modifications, I will save the image.
3 years ago, when RT was out I asked for dispersion...Why it doesn't work?
Translucency doesn't work with gpu. Simple SSS works but the specular parameter has a very low effect on sss surfaces. Blending two materials is not always a good idea.
All the gpu statistics must be switched on/off from a button in the IPR menu bar and not in the Render Setup window.
If you close the IPR window the render have to be switched off. The cool feature would have been that closing and re-opening the IPR window the engine continued to render in the background, unfortunately now it restarts automatically if you close-open it.
There are some switches that switch from Default to Advanced mode that restart the render...why?
The IPR needs a pause and a refresh button.
Zooming whit scroll mouse wheel causes a render restarts...why? It happens only on first scroll wheel action, after the first rendering refresh (restart) the mouse wheel doesn't restart the render anymore.
The IPR window needs a zoom fit (raster image) after a zoom. Double click it's an hidden feature.
The IPR window needs a 1:1 zoom button.
The IPR needs a lock button to prevent modifications...like Default-Advanced button auto refresh issue or it could happen that you touch some parameter that restarts the render.
When switching from CUDA to CPU and you want to select again the CUDA option...you can't. You have to close the render panel (not the IPR) and open it again. Strange behavior...
Using the BF+LC the light cache starts to compute also the translucency wasting a lot of time because it's not available for gpus...THAT'S INCREDIBLE!