my friend alex has made a kind of scritp that takes all the glossy values in the scene saves them then enables global override to glossy reflections for test renderings, then restores the original values back, i thought it would be cool to have introduced this option in vray global switches.
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Global Glossy override
Global Glossy override
Dmitry Vinnik
Silhouette Images Inc.
ShowReel: None
I made a similar script last night. My only problem is that you have to take the position of the glossy value into account. My script only works with root vray materials and vray materials nested in vrayWrappers. These are basicly the functions we need here at work, but if there is a way to globally access materials and their glossy values please let me know.(I am not a licensed programmer)
Get the script here:
It has not been tested thoroughly so use it at your own riskAnd also if you find it usefull please let me know
Hehe I know Anders S from work has been bugging you for some time for the feature
And I do think it will be a worthwhile addition to the render...
Guess i should modify the script so i turns of glossy for all the unselected materials, maybe that would be usefull.../mdahl
Hehe, apropos bugging... i think we'll finally see usable small map buttons in VrayMat in the next Build...
Look at this Thread where i put some workflow wishes (those of many others too btw) into the Wishlist. Now, most of the things are in Vray actually.
There are still some like seperation of caustics that would be cool, but we already got a lot and 1.5 finally has to come out.
That's really some kind of Development i like.
Time to say Thanks too btw.Sascha Geddert
Originally posted by vladoWell, the next build features an option to replace all glossy reflections with normal mirror reflections.
Best regards,
I often wish there was something like that..