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User Defined Timeout, or Retry for DR Buckets.

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  • User Defined Timeout, or Retry for DR Buckets.

    Several times now i've had a render needing to be scrapped because of a single failure in a DR node.. hasn't even made it into use for production yet

    my wish is for a way to re-assign a bucket to a different machine. either by manually setting the bucket to 'broken, please re-render' or via a user defined 'timeout' variable... this could initially be set to a very high quantity and possibly only come into play on completely stalled buckets..

    Another way around would be being allowed to mid render uncheck/check the DR machines in your local dr control panel might work, and would also allow you to share the farm with your coworkers (Who would want to do that!)

    This could also work in to just having the local dr server double checking the /plugcfg/vray_dr.cfg file occasionally mid render for changes.. this would allow combining a few scripts that I've got started to bring together the single place to start/restart/stop/clean network cache / enable/disable in the cfg file..
    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk

  • #2
    This would indeed rock
    "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


    • #3
      IIRC the first version of DR did this. Would be nice to have it back.
      Torgeir Holm |

