Is to have the VFB represent the camera viewport when moving the time slider. So let's say, you render frame 0 in the VFB, then move the time slider to frame 50. Since frame 50 is not production rendered yet, the VFB will display frame 50 as what the camera viewport displays. Then you production render frame 50, and VFB displays the rendered frame, go back to 0, VFB remembers and displays frame 0. Any frame not yet rendered, displays as the camera viewport. Any frame rendered, VFB remembers, kind of like a history, and displays the production rendering. That way I can focus on lighting and other changes/adjustments for animations, without having to go back and forth between the camera view and VFB.
This idea is different than the IPR. It's a more streamline for a different workflow without invoking energy resources for every adjustment.
This idea is different than the IPR. It's a more streamline for a different workflow without invoking energy resources for every adjustment.