Hi guys
me again
- Hope your all doing good!
I would like to ask Chaos Group if they can please update VRay Advanced so that IPR works with DR.
After renting a 1 Year DR Licence I was pretty shocked to find that IPR isn't supported which was the whole point of me renting.
The above mentioned IPR with DR is my exact wish item here but I also wanted to ask your opinion on a semi-related idea.
If I were to have IPR with DR, it would be cool to have some control over how many cores are engaged. My workstation is overheating a lot - which is why I got a DR licence. It would be 'cool'if we had a control amount for how many cores each computer is engaging. That way my Worsktation can reserve its energy and run cooler while my render slave computer does all the heavy lifting in IRP mode
me again

I would like to ask Chaos Group if they can please update VRay Advanced so that IPR works with DR.
After renting a 1 Year DR Licence I was pretty shocked to find that IPR isn't supported which was the whole point of me renting.
The above mentioned IPR with DR is my exact wish item here but I also wanted to ask your opinion on a semi-related idea.
If I were to have IPR with DR, it would be cool to have some control over how many cores are engaged. My workstation is overheating a lot - which is why I got a DR licence. It would be 'cool'if we had a control amount for how many cores each computer is engaging. That way my Worsktation can reserve its energy and run cooler while my render slave computer does all the heavy lifting in IRP mode
