It's not a pressing issue, but I'd like a feature like many companies have right now: an update software, which would notify me about new versions or which makes it easier to download and update them.
I'm heavily using nighties for example, for vray and phoenix and now vray cloud has a software and the license server. It would be great if I could just press a button and all of these your automatically, without having to go to the website, codingch the right version, downloading and installing one by one...
You could include a vrscans library too, with notifications about new materials being uploaded.
I'm heavily using nighties for example, for vray and phoenix and now vray cloud has a software and the license server. It would be great if I could just press a button and all of these your automatically, without having to go to the website, codingch the right version, downloading and installing one by one...
You could include a vrscans library too, with notifications about new materials being uploaded.