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Everlasting question: Cycles mats converter

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  • Everlasting question: Cycles mats converter

    Hi Vray devs,
    I know...
    I know...
    ... that there are a plenty of reason why make a GOOD and USEFUL material converter is quite impossible to do.
    I've read so many threads about this matter and the replies are, more or less, always the same.

    But, as Vray for Blender it's new to the Blender scene, I think that a kind of converter tool should be evaluated (I think that a Cycles converter should be enough).

    As convert 1:1 a shader network it's quite impossible, I think that it could be useful to have "mid" converter that create automatically the equivalent nodes.
    I mean that, for example, if you have a material with 3 Cycles image textures, two mix nodes, one normal map node, the converter could create a VrayMat, 3 VrayBitmap node (with image file loaded), 2 Vray Mix (or Blend map I don't remember now the name) and 1 Vray Normal Map node.
    The user has "just" the responsibility to connect the right input/output and, as the Cycles shader network seems still visible in the Vray Shader editor, recreate the correct network should be quite easy.
    So, you should ask me "so, what's the usefulness for the user?"
    My reply it's "you save so UI interactions (aka mouse&keys clicks) = you save time to spend on something else".

    What do you think?

  • #2
    Hey bardo

    Thanks for the suggestions, it's much appreciated.
    We're thinking about having some way of conversion or some support of Cycles materials, and I understand the need for having one. It is not planned for the initial release, but it's definitely in our to-do list. I feel like having a simple convertor that includes the essential and more widely used nodes (bitmaps, ramps, mix, uvw) should be enough. After that, we can expand it to something bigger if needed.
    Ivan Shaykov


    • #3
      I think that it's a fine plan.
      In my opinion it will be request the day-2 after the release but let's see.
      Probably it's more correct to see how much will be requested.


      • #4
        It's definitely something that should be high on the list of requirements for switchers. Blender's Octane plugin has been making great strides this year and the community pretty much pushed for the development of a converter and now there is one it makes using packs such as Greyscalegorilla shaders, Poliigon shaders etc usable. Although the Chaos Cosmos materials are good too, it would be good to have a wide variety to choose from.


        • #5
          I'm excited to announce that I've started working on a new tool to simplify the transition from Cycles to V-ray in Blender! This converter offers a unique approach by integrating V-ray nodes directly within your existing Cycles node setups.

          Here's how it works:
          • Non-destructive Conversion: The converter seamlessly integrates V-ray nodes into your Cycles material, allowing you to retain your original Cycles setup.
          • Accurate Value Transfer: It meticulously transfers values from the Principled BSDF to the corresponding V-ray material, ensuring a close match in appearance.
          • Automated Texture Mapping: The converter intelligently connects existing textures to the appropriate inputs on the V-ray material, saving you time and effort.

          This innovative approach provides a flexible and efficient way to experiment with V-ray while preserving your Cycles materials.

          Important Note!

          Currently, the converter is in its prototype phase and only works on the active material. The other buttons are not functional yet. I'm unsure whether to continue developing this addon. The decision to proceed depends on the community's interest.

          Let me know what you think! Your feedback is very important to me.

          zorianpl/VrayConverter: Converst Cycles to V-ray


          • #6
            I tried and seems to convert basic Cycles image texture material to V-Ray material. Its a good start. It understood Alpha also. I tried also object mapping and it was ignored but I understand like you said - its prototype phase.
            Last edited by JuhaW; 13-12-2024, 08:38 AM.
            Win11 Pro 64bit, GTX 970, Standalone version: V-Ray Next 4.30.03,


            • #7
              I've released an update to the addon with the following improvements:
              • Node Detection and Recreation: The addon now checks for existing V-ray nodes. If they're already present, it recreates them to ensure a clean conversion.
              • V-ray Normal and Mapping Nodes: Support for V-ray Normal and Mapping nodes has been added, providing more control over material properties and texture coordinates.

              One more question, if a Texture in Cycles is Non-Color, should the "Out Intensity" output be used in V-ray?
              You do not have permission to view this gallery.
              This gallery has 2 photos.
              Last edited by adam_radziszewski; 13-12-2024, 03:04 PM.


              • #8

                ​currently converting about 200 materials in my scene. will try and use the time to also optimize the scene. - so many duplicates
                relatively new to vray, but I am enjoying it so far. everything is so much more vibrant than cycles and the specular looks a lot better for some reason

                Attached Files
                Last edited by mike_rusby; 16-12-2024, 05:41 AM.


                • #9
                  This is a great way to transition. I would like to know if a Discord server will be created for feedback.


                  • #10
                    I'm planning to release a free version of the converter, limited to converting only the active material. So each material will need to be converted separately.

                    So far, I have written the implementation for:
                    • Textures
                    • Normal map node
                    • Invert node
                    • Mix Color Node
                    • Color Ramp Node
                    • Principled BDSF / glass / translucency
                    • Mix shader
                    • UV Mapping (I used the wrong node in the previous code)

                    The paid version will initially include:
                    • Conversion of all materials in the scene to Vray (skipping materials where Vray is detected)
                    • Conversion of all materials in the selected model to Vray (skipping materials with Vray)

                    The next step will be the ability to load different material presets and rebuild connections between nodes, for example, changing a universal material to fabric, etc.


                    • #11
                      so where is the actual addon? there is only a read me file on the github


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mike_rusby View Post
                        so where is the actual addon? there is only a read me file on the github
                        The addon in version 0.0.2 is available in the releases tab.

                        On Monday I plan to release another addon, in which I will have all the modules for all engines collected. In each module, the conversion of one material at once will be pre-installed, as well as the creation of a PBR material by importing textures, similar to node wrangler. The rest will be in a paid package.

                        For now, I have added the conversion of other nodes, creating a layered material if it detects a pair of principled bdsfs and Fast SSS2 and all this will also be available. The addon reads what is in the Cycles shaders and based on them creates analogous connections in the V-ray nodes.
                        ​ ​
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          can't you just put a direct link to it? I can't see a releases tab. Not being awkward, just want to test it


                          • #14
                            Here you go. But I need to say that I made a mistake with mapping node, used wrong node in conversion. Monday release will be with the correct one.


                            • #15
                              thanks, will have a look tomorrow. keep up the good work man many of my scenes have a 'lot' of materials

