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Node UI with switch, swatch and input socket: automate for saving clicks

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  • Node UI with switch, swatch and input socket: automate for saving clicks

    I'd like to share some thoughts about the UI of the nodes.
    I use the VrayEnv node as example. (this image shows the CPU version of the VrayEnv node)

    ​ ​​​​​​ VrayEnvNode_UI.jpg

    Generally speaking, I really like to have as much options as possible to make some fine tuning on every aspect of a renderer but...but... most of the time I use a straight forward workflow.
    So, for example, I want to add a VraySky (or HDRI image) to the Environment, I add the VraySky node, then I connect the output color to the VrayEnv input and in this moment I want to see the VraySky applied.
    Actually, if I want to see it, I have to tick ON on the switches of the VrayEnv.
    In my opinion, the switches should be ticked ON automatically when I connect something on the input sockets.

    The same with the color of the swatches. If they operate like a color filters, I'm expecting to have them full white. (I'm not 100% sure about this cause, at the moment, I can't open VrayBlender addon. If I'm not correct and it's already white, ignore this)

    In this way I save clicks I can spend on something more.

  • #2
    Hi bardo, I understand your point regarding the added steps. The reason for this is that, currently, we can only save the entire state of the tree. This means the switches would either always remain on or always remain off. Keeping them always on is not desirable, as they would affect the entire scene even before anything is attached to them. The root cause of this limitation lies within Blender itself, as we are unable to monitor specific events occurring within the tree at a deeper level.
    Daniel Kapsazov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

